1000w la confidential and green crack


Active Member
no worries DST...i wrote a bunch of nonsense in your journal earlier. besides, this is the most action shes seen in a while!

always wanted to go to scotland myself. looks beautiful...but i hate cold and rain. soooo.....maybe someday, if i can change my attitude.

harvesthighway, there is no emoticon to express how much your strain names made me laugh! sorry to hear about both of your poor herb situations. were pretty spoiled here in cali right now, theres simply too much here. but the guy at the end is getting screwed even harder than ever...makes no sense to me. medical marijuana...it was better when it was harder to come by. and cheaper too? wtf?

and i dont like the way kids dress anymore either...

I could send you a little sample, but then again you could go to your grocery store and buy a bottle of oregano for cheaper bongsmilie The only thing I find that helps situations like these is to just laugh it up.

Before I go too far...I can say that I found some yesterday that is pretty decent. Best stuff I've seen in awhile...gonna go rip er' up! bongsmilie


Active Member
too bad international shipping is such a no-no. it would solve a lot of cali's problems. and some of yours, too harvesthighway!
my ladies are still in suspended animation. im really thinking about just cutting em down on monday, and vegging my next rotation under the hps for an extra week or two.
found a deal on some slightly used 4x4 trays, $20/ea. i will be picking up a few extras i think.
sorry, no pictures today. to be honest, just looking at them makes me depressed right now. i had such high hopes for these girls, but pushed em too hard. lesson learned. stick to the schedule.
ill get some pics this weekend when im not so pissed off at myself.


Well-Known Member
Hey CAashtree, is it both the GC and the LA that are pissing you off? I have heard the LA is a real diffcult one to get right. The LA I am getting here is finally a bit better,( think I mentioned before,) a long way off what is use to be....Can't comment on the GC though. I am going to get seeded bud from my Headbands (found a few open male flowers) but I am just taking them to the end anyway as the bud is still knockout. The seeds appear on the lower popcorn buds anyway. I have a cutting which is from the Headband in my room that I thought was an OG kush and turned out to be twins (Thelma and Louise) well Louise was chopped for having balls, and Thelma is totally clear, so I am guessing Louise got the male genes from the seed. It's strange that from seed, the HB's get balls, but as soon as you take cuttings of those plants, no more balls. I can't really get my head round it.


Active Member
the green crack is bulletproof. turned out to be a good strain. very fruity and sweet smelling, aftertaste kinda skunky/musty. average potency. i just really boned it on the la. ill be cutting them tomorrow. no pics, they look exactly the same as they did in my last pics. exactly. ill be starting another run of the la in a couple months and ill get it right that time. next run will be lavender and some power plant cross that a buddy has.

thats really wierd about your headbands and their disappearing balls. i guess theyre never really gone, but at least you know that and can keep your eye out. nothing worse than having balls pop out with 3 weeks left in flowering....

and that strawberry pot that i did is going off. ive got flowers on two of the plants already! they love that coco and canna.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, keep us updated on the strawberrie pots. I may be coming to you for some design details soon. Peace bru,



Active Member
horseshit. it is done. i chopped em. the la con just stopped growing when i od'ed them on the pk. wont be doing that again anytime soon...im gonna post a couple more pics, then end this journal. ill be starting a new one, but im just gonna make it perpetual, so i dont have to keep making new journals. thanks all who followed this and look forward to seeing you all at my new one.

pics - first is some la con hanging to dry, second is a lavender at about 3 weeks, third is the next batch of lavender, 4th is some new beans - TGA subcool pandoras box. looked tasty...and the last one is a strawberry that just started flowering.



Active Member
im thinking it will dry to be around 14 oz. from 9 plants. pretty light, but i know what went wrong. looking forward to my next run with the la.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cashtree, so that's the LA's done. I have also been told they don't yield the greatest either.....seems to be the way with that linneage. Let us know how they smoke (smoking some LA just now) Love the little strawb flower. Will be joining you over at your new journal, wherever that is in the ether...

Peace, DST