1000w 4x4 tent- 10 strains organic soil grow


Active Member
Merry Christmas everyone, hope everyone had a great holiday. My wonderful wife picked me up 10 K.O Kush and the fem seed mix from Sannies for Christmas so those will soon be in the mix, for someone who doesn't even smoke she has excellent tastes in Breeders.

Most of the day was spent relaxing at home smoking, drinking Palinca and eating Sarmale, didn't have a whole lot of time to spend with the plants today but I did manage to clip 11 Blackberry Kush clones so hopefully in 7-10 days I'll be throwing them into the room and that way I should be on track for a one month stagger between harvests, I think that I need a third tent though so that I can run 2 flower rooms and then my veg and clone room.

I'm thinking of using the new 600 that I got to start them flowering for 1 month and then finish them up in the second tent under the 1000w. Something to think about I guess...these are my stoned thoughts at the moment, figured that I would just write the plans down here so that I remember.

Since most of my day was spent eating and drinking traditional Romanian food I started to feel like we were back in Bucharest so I think it's appropriate that I share my favourite Romanian rap group, they started in '94 which is pretty amazing considering that the country was Communist until 1989.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good time. Jealous about the Romanian food.

An additional tent sounds like a good idea. Starting them under the 600 and stepping up to the 1kW makes sense as well. How much bud do you need to produce? With three tents and 2200kW of light you could be pulling a lb a month with things running smoothly - quite a bit of bud...


Active Member
Hey Gas good to see you again, the Romanian food was awesome, it was an all around good day up here in the Mountains, now we are just preparing for all the relatives coming in for the New Year should be a hectic next few days but fun nonetheless.

I'm really liking the 3 tent idea now, a unit a month would be great all though I'm not quite sure what I would do with it all, I think I mostly just want to see if it's possible, if I did get that much I think it would be safe to say that my fridge would be filled with edibles, hash and funky tinctures as well as everyone I know would never have to buy bud again.

How long you got to harvest? They are looking great, really nice main colas and I love the nug sitting on the UV.


Well-Known Member
Hey Gas good to see you again, the Romanian food was awesome, it was an all around good day up here in the Mountains, now we are just preparing for all the relatives coming in for the New Year should be a hectic next few days but fun nonetheless.

I'm really liking the 3 tent idea now, a unit a month would be great all though I'm not quite sure what I would do with it all, I think I mostly just want to see if it's possible, if I did get that much I think it would be safe to say that my fridge would be filled with edibles, hash and funky tinctures as well as everyone I know would never have to buy bud again.

How long you got to harvest? They are looking great, really nice main colas and I love the nug sitting on the UV.
Plan is to cut on the new years :) Wasn't sure they would be ready but the past few days have shown amazing progress. Blah - shame you have to cure the stuff. I'm sick of what I'm smoking right now and need something new.

Talk about extracts raking in a lb a month :) Would be great fun to use primo buds to make some full melt bubble.


Active Member
That's a pretty good way to start out the new year...wish I could get a New Years harvest, but I'm looking at end of Feb more than likely around my Birthday so that's cool too.

I'm still smoking Jack for days and Fruit Loops for night...not a big fan of the Fruit Loop need a bit heavier Indica for sleep, along the lines of Mr. Nice (G-13xHP).

Next round will be all Sannie gear, think I'm going to stick to 1 or 2 strains in the tent from now on, 10 strains is a bit too many to get to know all at once, hopefully in a week I'll toss in my Blackberry Kush clones and start them, after that K.O Kush and Killing Fields. Need another tent though to stagger harvests.

I found 2 males now in my local OGxJack cross...horrible seeds all around though, I put 10 in Germ got 3 viable and out of those 3 two were male, I'll save one male (wife wants to grow him like a houseplant) and if the fem is good perhaps I'll collect some pollen, but most likely not, I'm not all that impressed yet.


Active Member
Another video from my favourite Romanian hip-hop band, not many will understand, but in the beginning the News Guy Mircea Badea is talking about how if the police were starving he would sit and eat while watching them starve to death. Romanian police are not very well respected compared to the US, it's a bit strange because you can literally walk up to any cop and tell him to go fuck himself, smack him in the head and most likely nothing is going to happen...granted you hit up the wrong one and you may get your ass beat but more than likely they will not arrest you, on the spot bribe more than likely. Anyways, here's the vid.


Nice setup! I'm currently in design stage for my grow room and I'm considering doing something similar: 1000w 4x4 tent with 9 plants, perpetual grow, based on slightly modified Stinkbud aero/nft system. Couldn't figure out how to subscribe so thought I'd just reply and hope that works. Looking forward to following this, best of luck!


Active Member
Nice setup! I'm currently in design stage for my grow room and I'm considering doing something similar: 1000w 4x4 tent with 9 plants, perpetual grow, based on slightly modified Stinkbud aero/nft system. Couldn't figure out how to subscribe so thought I'd just reply and hope that works. Looking forward to following this, best of luck!
Nice to see you, thanks for dropping in. The 1000w in a 4x4 tent is really nice but it can throw out a ton of heat, I live in a cold area and run my lights at night to keep everything cool. Generally the outside air temp in winter here is around 10-15F so usually I have to supplement heat even with lights on. Last night though it was quite a bit warmer (around 45f) and my temps were spiking at about 84 which is really warm for my room, in most cases I'm lucky if I see 75 for lights on temps.

I'm generally not one to give advice, but if you are going to get a 1000w for a 4x4 tent just make sure it is dimmable, I love my dimmable ballast when things start to heat up I can dial it back to 750 or 600w in order to keep things a bit cooler, it's also nice because you can start your plants at 600w and dial up as you go to ease them into it.

I ran hydro for a long time and got to know quite a few different techniques...that being said I'm in organic soil now and even though it's not as much fun to tweak around settings and you aren't nearly as active as with hydro but you eliminate the worry about something going wrong. I've lost a whole crop in an Aero system due to a power outage so if you go that route please buy a back up power source APC has really good UPS backups that should keep you powered, I was an idiot who didn't want to spend the extra cash for the back up and after 2 months of electricity costs/time and effort I soon realized that the 100 bucks or so would have been the best hundo that I ever spent.

FYI- To subscribe to threads go to the top where it says "Thread tools" click on that and go to the bottom where it says "subscribe to this thread" and then add subscription to your CP or however you want to be notified.


Active Member
Hey Benign.. Merry Christmas.. I was away for a week but I'm back.. waiting for some photos.. wink wink nudge nudge
Hey Ottawa welcome back...I'll post pics tonight I promise, lights come on in about an hour and a half, I'll try to get some non-HPS pictures also since I have to pull them all out and re-arrange the room a bit, I'm debating on sticking a 600w MH in there or getting another tent; 1600w one room for flowering sounds a little better than 2 flowering rooms totaling 1600w. Decisions decisions...I still haven't upgraded to 6" ducting yet and a ton of our friends from Romania are flying in on Sat...looks like both will be put off until after the New Year.

Pics tonight I promise


Active Member
Haha. no pressure man. I wouldn't want any trouble with your missus if you have to get things ready for your guests!

Happy NYE!

I'll have to take out my plants for some better shots next time... good idea.


Active Member
All right just downloaded my camera and got everything re-sized, no worries about the missus Ott there's a specific reason why I didn't marry an American, if you want to be treated right marry a traditional Eastern European woman they still believe that a man should act like a man and not like the vaginized version of men that American women seem to want to change their husbands into :-P. Ok...onto the pictures.

A set of balls, Mother Blackberry Kush (stretched a bit), clones in a glass, and a tray of Blackberry Kush clones


I flipped on 12/5 so this is day 24 of flower:

Wife was reading Hemingway so I decided to mark her page

In honor of the balls I found on my plant and hoping for no hermies:


Well-Known Member
Subbed. I'm gonna have to catch up on this.

I've been using Biocanna for about a year, it's good stuff. At this point I'm running it with straight pro-mix and really like the results.

Happy growing, and good luck! :leaf:


Active Member
Subbed. I'm gonna have to catch up on this.

I've been using Biocanna for about a year, it's good stuff. At this point I'm running it with straight pro-mix and really like the results.

Happy growing, and good luck! :leaf:
Thanks for stopping in,

I just started with the Bio canna line and I really like it, easy to use and almost impossible to screw up. I just started 4 of my clones in Sunshine Mix #4, I think that I'm going to like it a little better than FFOF or Roots. Allso I'm a bit sick of the fungus gnats, my soil wasn't infested with them so its really not that bad, but even one is enough to drive me crazy when I'm working in there.

I saw Colombia for your location, I used to do some work with a Cruise Line and one of our stops was in Catagena there was a nice size steak house in the Old town area that serves the most incredible steaks and patacones that I have ever eaten. And I definitely will always remember the Bunuelos...some people think Colombia is all about the coke, but once you get there you realize that the women and the food are the two greatest things in Colombia.


Active Member
Does anyone know of a way to stop birds from shitting on your car?

I walked out to my freshly washed and waxed vehicle today only to find 3 of the largest fucking bird turds I have ever seen in my life. I believe there honestly has to be a Pterodactyl near me or I have some new form of large undocumented bird species living in my neighbourhood because these shits were unbird like. I'm talking like 3 giant hand-span size shits with my fingers being the splatter off turds. I think maybe it's because my old, decrepit, neo-nazi neighbour keeps throwing full loaves of bread out front of his house to feed them. Perhaps, it's time that he got a friendly neighbourly punch in his fucking face.


Active Member
Happy 2012 everyone, hopefully all will have a healthy and prosperous New Year.

I have been out for a few days, the Romanian Mafia flew in for the weekend so my house has been insanely busy, barely even had time to get down and check the girls since the only way into the Garage is through the guest rooms in the house, and since I didn't tell them that I have a grow in there it's been really hard to sneak out and check up on things.

I did manage to make one nice new purchase though, I went into Goodwill and saw that they had a bunch of humidifiers and dehumidifiers, up here it is really dry so most people don't use dehuey's, this one was a brand new 50 pint Frigidaire for $79, it has a digi display where you can set your RH % and then it will run when your humidity goes above. Lately I've been trying to keep my exhaust ventilation off during the day, I still run a fan but my RH keeps spiking up around 70% when the lights go out so I figured that this would be a pretty good solution to solve the issue and it was pretty cheap, gotta love Goodwill.

I'm getting ready to run everyone back to the airport and finally get rid of them so I can go back to my nice quiet peaceful life sans loud Palinca swilling crazy ass foreigners running around my house and my neighborhood turning the quiet little mountain I live on into a 3rd world war zone complete with battle cries and fits of laughter combined with semi-psychotic sadistic tendencies.

Sure will be nice to get rid of them. Pics tonight.

One of my wifes favourite songs...it's funny as hell to hear my wife sing along "Don't bite the dick that fucks you honey" with a Romanian accent.


Active Member
Ok so I finally got into the room and yanked everyone out and got some decent non-HPS pictures. Right now I'm at 29 days into flowering, so far I'm pretty pleased with the results that I'm getting especially since I had to source my cuts from clubs. Hopefully soon my Sannies order will get here and I can start germing a pack of K.O Kush and getting them ready to go in once my second batch of Blackberry Kush cuts finish up.

I never realized how much time it takes to actually write a proper grow journal, I went down today and it took me 1.5hrs to take pics and tend to the plants. 1.5hrs doesn't sound like much but when you are trying to fit in a full time job and training 2hrs+ a day 6 days a week you really start to get behind. I always thought a proper grow journal would be easy but now that I am doing it I have to say that some on here are really dedicated and I have to applaud them for their efforts.

Now on to the pics, there are a lot, I tried to photograph outside of the HPS each strain at day 29 of flower, I think that I forgot one though, Eve Kush, I forgot it mostly because she really isn't that outstanding so you aren't missing much.

Blackberry Kush

Space Queen

XJ-13 (This one I wasn't impressed with at first but she is stating to show promise)

Soma Lavender (Soma #10) She is a fav of mine, developing really nicely

My OGXJack 12 and 12 from seed project (other two that germed were males)

Sour Alien (sort of late to flower, not impressed at this point)

Blueberry Trainwreck (not sure about her, I think someone wasn't honest when they sold their clones)

Querkle (This plant is another fav, she grows nice and compact and gives me goofy vibes looking at her, fun plant)

LA Confidential (meh, nothing too great at this point, but looks better than I had anticipated)

Group shots in the tent

Inside the Clone tent

Some balls on the OGXJack, I took some pollen from the other but I don't think I'll be pollinating with him, not impressed with the strain so far

My little weed head pup hanging out with the wife (I swear I don't get her stoned but she loves to smell the bong for some reason the dog not the wife)

So there it is, thats where I'm at now, hopefully they will start packing on weight soon. Right now though it's time for bed.


Well-Known Member
+rep, my parents both are from soviet russia, growing up during some of the most turbulent times in the 60s and 70s. And i can assure you, in soviet russia, car DEFINITELY doesn't drive you. But, I dont know what you mean about the mind-set about marijuana. Back in the day, you could find a hemp plantation and for the right amount of rubles to armed guards, be loading your car with literal garbage bags of raw plant matter. And on the way back home, you would see some of your friends parents pretending like theyre going to the middle of no where for "business" of some kind. It may not be sensi, but you can make all the hash you can dream of..:hump:

Laws may be harsher, but they love their sweet Mary, just as you and I.


Active Member
+rep, my parents both are from soviet russia, growing up during some of the most turbulent times in the 60s and 70s. And i can assure you, in soviet russia, car DEFINITELY doesn't drive you. But, I dont know what you mean about the mind-set about marijuana. Back in the day, you could find a hemp plantation and for the right amount of rubles to armed guards, be loading your car with literal garbage bags of raw plant matter. And on the way back home, you would see some of your friends parents pretending like theyre going to the middle of no where for "business" of some kind. It may not be sensi, but you can make all the hash you can dream of..:hump:

The weed scene in Russia has actually always been pretty good which is really strange considering the area. In Romania they mostly smoke hash and I know that they do have it there but I was never able to locate it. I'm sure if I went into more nightclubs and hung out in certain neighborhoods I could have gotten a hold of something I just never really tried all that hard. Also I think my look had a bit to do with it, long blond hair and a big evil looking goatee made me a bit less approachable while I was there so that probably played a bit of a part in things.

Thanks for the rep it's appreciated.

Laws may be harsher, but they love their sweet Mary, just as you and I.

The weed scene in Russia has actually always been pretty good which is really strange considering the area. In Romania they mostly smoke hash and I know that they do have it there but I was never able to locate it. I'm sure if I went into more nightclubs and hung out in certain neighborhoods I could have gotten a hold of something I just never really tried all that hard. Also I think my look had a bit to do with it, long blond hair and a big evil looking goatee made me a bit less approachable while I was there so that probably played a bit of a part in things.

Thanks for the rep it's appreciated.