1000 watt hps on two week old seedlings>?


Active Member
what do you guys think? im gonna start turning on the hps only a few hours a day to get them use to it... or should i just switch the hps on fur 18hrs.
im stoned forgive the grammer...


Well-Known Member
I just don't think I can forgive the misspelling of grammar.

Anyway, if you have actual fan leaves developing, not just little primary leaves, I say go for it.


Active Member
Well if you have any other choice, i'd use it, because this is a serious overkill (i suppose you arent doing 100 seedlings at a time)... if you don't mind the electricity bill then you got nothing to loose, but like i said, its like picking up groceries at your local store with an 18 wheeler :P


Well-Known Member
a buddy of mine uses a 1000w hps for cloning; he just puts a light cloth over the tray to block some of the light out, and he gets awesome results super fast. So if he can do that I'd say youre ok ;)