10 year old seeds any good?

The Scooby Master

Active Member
OK heres my situation. I had some seeds from the last year or so. I dropped them in a cup of warm water, set them on the cable box to keep warm, and covered them with a towel to stay dark. The next day a few had cracked open, and the taproot was sticking out a little. I dropped each into a jiffy puck, placed them in a domed tray, and set the tray on a heating pad.

Its 3 days later, and still nothing, so i carefully dug them out, and there has been no growth at all. Did I do something wrong?

Which leads me to the title. After getting nothing from the first try, I dug out a pill bottle full of seeds(100 or so) that I packed away around 10 years ago. Before I order from a seed bank, I want to make sure my grow room is fully operational, so will these seeds be viable?


Well-Known Member
They could be drop em in a glass and soak em. If they crack put the seed in a small 4" pot of soil you have already moisten and then cover with 1/2" of soil and use a spray bottle to moisten the top soil then but in humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
ASWELL AS BLZBOB process......Get some GA3 plant hormone.... known to bring back 1000yr old seeds....
Its proven with old seeds with high success rate.....

(more info in thread in signature)

The Scooby Master

Active Member
I just put about 20 in a folded paper towel, stuck it in a ziplock bag, and set it between the heating pad and black tray. Hopefully a few will sprout.

I will let you know.


Well-Known Member
That heat pad is going cook your seeds. Thats often to warm for new roots coming out.

The Scooby Master

Active Member
"Your better off floating in a glass of water for a couple of days....."

I will drop another 20 into a glass of water. The first batch that didnt sprout are in a glass still. One or 2 have tiny little white roots showing like the first 4. I will add these to the pucks and see what happens. Am I better off putting the seeds in the glass then a paper towel before the pucks?

"That heat pad is going cook your seeds. Thats often to warm for new roots coming out."

Thanks for reply blzbob. I just pulled them out after only 4 hours, and the bag is hot to the touch. The heating pad has 3 settings(currently on high), if I put it under the pad with a t-shirt or towel between, will this still be too hot? Is the top of the cable box warm enough? Right now its 0-10 degrees outside, so here in my basement it feels chilly all the time. Before I turned on the heating pad, the pucks felt cold to the touch.

Also I went looking at Walmart and Target for a heating pad, but the only ones they sell turn off after 3 hours or so. Just a little heads up for anyone whos interested. I knew I had this one packed away, so I just had to dig it out.


Well-Known Member
they should be no problems
I have seeds 20 + years popped first day but in case just send a coupl eof them to me and ill see if I can get them to pop lol old genetics are great lol I prefer the

float them in a glass of water stir the water couple times a day the seeds that fall to teh bottom have cracked pullem out and do the ziplock bag bethod works every time


Well-Known Member
If your going to use a heat mat, I do when germing. Get a meat thermoter and put in in your dome or poke through the top and regulate temps to around 75-78 and they will be fine. The pucks work pretty good but k-mart sells jiffy peat seedling dirt that gives me better success than the pucs. Also with the water method I dont soak my seeds for anymore then 24 hours then I put them in a paper towel (damp) wetted down and mostly wrung out. I put the towel in a ziplock and onto my 75 f seed mat. I plant in the soil when the tap root starts going, not too long not too short.


Well-Known Member
I do pretty much what BLZBOB said.... float em...4 -5 days once they have craked and show direction then place them (pointing down the first "sprout" is a root.) in your grow medium, then into your dome..


Well-Known Member
Hey Scooby there is a thread going on right now by DR. VonDankenstine called ***Online Growing School 101*** it started on Jan 3rd and is going to continue for a couple months till the grow is over. This is a very great thread to follow, they are a month ahead of you but you will get alot of ideas on how to proceed with your grow. It's in the general marijuana growing forum, Do check it out

The Scooby Master

Active Member
So far only 2 seeds have busted at the seams. A little white is showing on the sides. When should I move them into juiify pucks?

Yeah I have been reading the OGS101 posts. But until I get some seeds to sprout I am at a standstill.

The Scooby Master

Active Member
OK out of the 25 or so in the paper towel, so far 3 are showing taproots. I will be sticking them into pucks tonight and leaving the rest to see if more pop.