10+ Strains


Active Member
Well dont think it will be overnight it normally would take a week to see night and day.

And some brands of coco have salts in them that need to be rinsed out as well as the ph in the coco itself can be higher or lower most of the time it's 7+

To baked gotta go. lol


Well-Known Member
lol im right there with you bro maybe I shouldn't have nuked it with nutes so fast? it was already was so stocky when I got it and had a gang of roots I thought it was ready to take off err really annoying.... my other 3 are bout ready to flower I want this 1 to bulk up but the others are almost lst'd to the max need to 12/12 soon


Active Member
Just grow it. See what happens. It should do what the others are doing. So it may just need time. I've had a few like that they just dont wanna play follow the leader. And some just dont wanna play. Flowering may make its mind up? Just keep growin it and learn from it. I wouldnt do anything different. If what your doin is right. It should bounce back and fall in line? never know though. keep growin it. I've had some great outcome on some like that, that didnt do good in veg but kicked ass in flower.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys have any of you ever used Rhizo to help root cuttings? I took some cuttings from topping and since they are off the top they are taking extremly long to root. So I called one of my Buddies from my local Hydro store and he told me to use just water and Rhizo in my EZ- Clone. Anyone ever try this?


Active Member
epic grow space dude 8) can i ask a few qu's

u have to hand water all that :( why u not considered a watering system

also u pulling about 35 amps of juice just on lighting, sadly currently i only have 1x 15 amp line i can use so really restricted, how have u managed to remain off radar and also with house electric i could never run that much as house needs a fair bit

um no more qus for now just lots of kudos for gr8 looking set up and i am green with envy :D


Active Member
i soak coco with rhizo water then pack coco into tray and put my cuts into that works great
Hey guys have any of you ever used Rhizo to help root cuttings? I took some cuttings from topping and since they are off the top they are taking extremly long to root. So I called one of my Buddies from my local Hydro store and he told me to use just water and Rhizo in my EZ- Clone. Anyone ever try this?


Active Member
Thanx liberty Rhizo is frikin awsome for cloning

Budwasher all you gotta do is pay your bill they dont mess with.

And I hand water because I like to get in to see my ladies I diagnose health Talk to um rotate them into the light


Well-Known Member
I actually just tried that Liberty, didn't have any rockwool around so I made little cups of coco. I used greatwhite and a diltued bloom nute in the coco. I'm glad to see someone does this and it works. Weight off my shoulders.


Active Member
You can use the bark plugs too

Mornin guys

I use anything on hand even just coco ( mediumwise ) and never have a problum rootin use the rhizo though its a root excelerator


Active Member
I got to thinkin man in my corners theres a few dark spots low light anyways.Would you say it would be benificial just to drop a couple cfls into the corners or just let it be?


Active Member
Man those guys with cfl's are rockin some badass buds. Always tryin to improve quantity and quality ya know

Whats a couple extra hundred watts when you run 10000 lol


Active Member
take the cup and put it in a gal. sized plastic bag to keep humidity up and dont add any nuits just rhizo water i'll post a pic of my success in a min
I actually just tried that Liberty, didn't have any rockwool around so I made little cups of coco. I used greatwhite and a diltued bloom nute in the coco. I'm glad to see someone does this and it works. Weight off my shoulders.


Well-Known Member
I have a good clone dome I'm using. I did however use a weak strength nute solution with a high phosphorous content as I've heard and read that it helps with rooting. I don't have any rhizo but I had a free sample great white that I used.


Active Member
Been talkin to some people bout buckits just started work on them today upgraded sive of drillbit just a bit.


And then I add the hydroton



Active Member
I am going to do 2, 4, or 6 hanging buckits this time - gravity buds! Growing upside down expirament


Active Member
Alright I'll post this here first and afterwords -

My upside down babies started just now


Gravity buds

They hang from the ceiling when they go into my flowering room.

I've seen it done and want to find out how it will do!!


Active Member
so how is that gonna work out?? wheres the lights gonna go? looks cool as hell dont get me wrong im very interested in this, post a link to a journal
best of luck