10 out of 11 Clones Died.. Please Help!


Active Member
I bought some rootech cloning gel last year and cloned two plants no problem. This year i cloned 11 and 1 survived. WTF? On the container of the gel it says keep cool. Does this mean refridgerate? They didnt have it in a fridge at the store so i dont see how that could be the problem.

So for this one that survived, how long does it take for new growth? Like 2 weeks right? Its been a week and a half so it should be soon, so can i put it straight to 12/12 and flower it? I only have 5 CFLs so i cant really veg it out much.

Any thoughts, tips, criticisms?


Active Member
Perhaps the conditions of the cloning environment weren't as good as last years? I've noticed that even 5 degrees difference can make quite a difference in rooting time. Rooting gel can go bad, but I've had stuff longer than a year that still works fine. I'd get new stuff to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Once you open it, it's best to keep it in the fridge. It WILL go bad at room temp, I know from experience.

Also, do not dip clones into the main bottle, that's another quick way to ruin it. I use small glass bottles like hash oil came in for dipping cuts and replenish as needed from the main bottle.
