10 days more 'til choppin!


Well-Known Member
Day 56 of 12/12/

Technically the Somas should be done, but as you can see they've got another few days to go. They just don't look done yet, but the calyxes are swelling and pistils are starting to to curl up and die.

I'm giving this one until Sunday, cuz I'm running outta bud.



Well-Known Member
Well it's been 11 days since I started this thread and still no harvest. I'm gonna let them go another few days.

Here are my girls at day 60 of 12/12.

The 3 Soma's. They're yellowing and swelling nicely:

And I don't think I've showed my lone Sage'n'Sour in a while:

It may not appear that frosty, but a closer look tells otherwise. At least another 2-3 more weeks to go for this one:



Well-Known Member
Just a little update on day 63 of 12/12:

the Soma's should be done any day now. For real this time:

I think they're even starting to turn red!



Well-Known Member
Well the Soma's (RockBuds) are supposed to be 8-weekers, and have just finished their 9th. I'm letting them go as long as they have to but it looks like they've put out their final growth. Hopefully.


i got a few ?'s

1. did you start from seed or clone ¿
2. what soil did you use ¿
3. how did you get those plants to branch with that many colas and look like that ¿ i tried and mine is super strechy.
4. what kind of light system did you use ¿
5. and did you use and nutrients ¿


Well-Known Member
1) started from mature, rooted clone taken from flowering mother. Flowering clones are known to be branchy and less stretchy.
2) BioBizz Light Mix
3) There's only one main cola. I just let them veg for 3 weeks before switching to 12/12. Didn't trim any of the lower branches or anything like that. I just let them be.
4) 400w HPS
5) I use a whole mix of nutrients. Almost all of 'em are here:



Well-Known Member
Nice plants sandmonkey! Although she doesn't seem quite finished yet...I'd give her another week of flushing and see where she takes you :)


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks amazing! I like what the book had to say about the strain, thats the kinda smoke I love! Props for being patient +rep


Well-Known Member
Well it's day 69 of 12/12 and I still haven't chopped anything :(

Here's one of the Soma. The foliage is really yellow and most fan leaves have already fallen off. I've been flushing with cold water for a few weeks now. Should be some REALLY smooth smoke:

and the lanky Sage'n'Sour with easily 2-3 weeks to go:

These girls better hurry, 'cause I've got some Bubblegum and Jack Herer (RIP) ready to flower in a week or so:



Well-Known Member
Day 73 of 12/12 and i just chopped one of the 3 Soma's :D

I'm letting the other two go a few more days, but still, I'm happy with my harvest so far!

Here's the plant i cut (the other 2 look exactly like it):


Most I've ever yielded from one plant so far!

My Sage'n'Sour is coming along nicely with maybe another week or two to go. Gonna feed it one more time then flush. It really does smell like Sage!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the positivity and rep everyone!

I was disappointed at first as I started this grow with 8 clones and lost half of 'em. I usually grow between 8 and 15 plants.

But somehow I must be getting better at this as I think this is gonna be my biggest harvest yet. So excited :weed: