10 blueberry kush just started flower...INDOOR ORGANIC


Well-Known Member
Looks like some fire you got there whodat. My Green Crack will be ready next Friday and the Blue Dream will be the week prior. You gotta send me a personal message about your tea i.e. ingredients, ratio, feeding schedule.
My soil is a mix of FFOF, earthworm castings, perlite, powderizd dol lime.
For the tea...-
I use 2/3 cup of
Peruvian seabird guano
Jamaican bat guano
Worm castings.
5 tbs of maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract.
This is the dry mix.
I use 2 cups of the dry mix to every 5 gal of water.
I put this dry mix in panty hose to make the "tea bag"
I also add 5 tbs of liquid karma
5 tbs blackstrap molasses.
Mix into 5 gallons of dechlorinated water.
I let it brew for 24hrs and then use.
This is the flower mix I use with every watering. The veg mix is the same except for 1/3 cup of each and instead of jamaican bat guano use Mexican.


Well-Known Member
Whodat, threw up a update, im having trouble with one of my plants. could you check it out and see whats up. thanks man, good video.


Well-Known Member
finally someone else that knows at least a little about glass, i swear everyone on this forum isnt interested in it, or doesn't care, dang three trees, how many arms in each or are they domed? sounds like it might have lots of drag
I'll PM you, sorry about last night got busy. Taking pictures now be up in a bit.

The Potologist

Active Member
WHOA! LIKE WHOA, NITRO, NICE BUDZ, NICE SMOKE IS WHO DAT IS :) Very Impressive grow, unlike my rip off Black Rob rhyme :) Thats some killer smoke for sure! I hope you give them a nice cure and HOLLA AT YA BOYYYYZZZZ :) FIRE IN DA HOLE

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
WHOA! LIKE WHOA, NITRO, NICE BUDZ, NICE SMOKE IS WHO DAT IS :) Very Impressive grow, unlike my rip off Black Rob rhyme :) Thats some killer smoke for sure! I hope you give them a nice cure and HOLLA AT YA BOYYYYZZZZ :) FIRE IN DA HOLE

Peace, Love, and Happiness
Thanks allot bro- Yeh Im gonna SLOW DRY them at about 60% rh and maybe 65. F.