10,000 Watt Grow.........


Well-Known Member
Thanks for making all that clear for us Shady. I know that the trash thing is a HUGE weakness in most ops. Had a friend who was tagged by the locals a few years back when he was doing a little something on the side. Nothing extreme... less than 700 watts total op. What did happen was a neighbor had called the police out of lack of better things to do and they started an investigation. The only thing that showed up in the affidavit which they used against him was the trash. They would come at like 4:30-5am and steal his trash!!! They found stems and Dutch guts and that was all they needed for a search warrant.

As you guys have made it clear...this is not your run of the mill growing op. You guys are legit and have taken all steps necessary to ensure this op does not have to come down anytime soon.

PS. I love the idea about the fishtanks!!! Not only can you justify elec and water consumption... but you can also use your dirty water for your girls. Nothing like some fish poop and algae to give some MJ plants a boost!!
Thanks for making all that clear for us Shady. I know that the trash thing is a HUGE weakness in most ops. Had a friend who was tagged by the locals a few years back when he was doing a little something on the side. Nothing extreme... less than 700 watts total op. What did happen was a neighbor had called the police out of lack of better things to do and they started an investigation. The only thing that showed up in the affidavit which they used against him was the trash. They would come at like 4:30-5am and steal his trash!!! They found stems and Dutch guts and that was all they needed for a search warrant.

As you guys have made it clear...this is not your run of the mill growing op. You guys are legit and have taken all steps necessary to ensure this op does not have to come down anytime soon.

PS. I love the idea about the fishtanks!!! Not only can you justify elec and water consumption... but you can also use your dirty water for your girls. Nothing like some fish poop and algae to give some MJ plants a boost!!

TOTALLY! The water is just fablious, just remember to check pH. I use the water in my flower gardens too and i have Dahlias that get 6' and sun flowers that reached over 9'. Thanks again for the support. We both aure don't want to take this down ANY time soon. Lol, that is just to much work. :)


Active Member
what are you talking about, where not hating , if thats not a legal grow its the dumbest person ever period, say what you will but that site will be busted . where not hater where just making sure the person knows that electric bill will most def raise the eyebrow regaurdless if its paid on time and for boulderheads i too live in a all electric house thats 1800 square foot and my bill is only 80 bucks in the summertime and 500 in the winter so im not buying that. electric heat is crazy money
You might not be stupid but you are pretty damn lazy that's for sure. If you had read the 23 pages of thread you would have known that the grow is for 1 legal!, the police have been notified bout it's existence, and 2nd he's got the electricity bill figured out. Industrial leccy deal mean that 13k of power is nothing to worry bout.

At Riz, impressive setup, I hope you are going to try some sativa's in that setup. would be nice to see a 2 meter tree.


Well-Known Member
At Riz, impressive setup, I hope you are going to try some sativa's in that setup. would be nice to see a 2 meter tree.
Completely agree.

As for the fish set up, That theory works under a couple conditions: #1 its not brackish or salt water, #2 You have Aragonite, Or another ph buffering substrate in the tank, #3 Your tank is fully cycled and you do water changes enough to keep your nitrates down.


Well-Known Member
Completely agree.

As for the fish set up, That theory works under a couple conditions: #1 its not brackish or salt water, #2 You have Aragonite, Or another ph buffering substrate in the tank, #3 Your tank is fully cycled and you do water changes enough to keep your nitrates down.
I am sure these guys will not take any actions to wreak havoc on this op. Good advice though... I did not know any of that.


Well-Known Member
I am sure these guys will not take any actions to wreak havoc on this op. Good advice though... I did not know any of that.
I'v been an aquarium fanatic longer than iv been smoking. Funny thing is the tanks and the weed take a lot of the same stuff. Thought about re planting my live planted tank with some weed roots :D

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
there nothing new about growing plants of all types on top of the water while fish live in the water
its called Aquaponics:


Well-Known Member
WOW THATS SOME CRAZY STUFF!!!! I wonder tho are you sure you want fish crappy weed?
Hell No Fish are gross!Now bat crap and cow crap that is some clean top notch poopy.LOL Oh worm crap is a lot better then fish crap too.Crap is crap brother.


Well-Known Member
Well. As to the aquaponics with all my research im pretty much qualified for that.

As for the fish comments. Actually if you take care of your fish/pick the right fish/make sure they have no IPs (internal parasites furthermore why your fish has stringy shit and looks anorexic) Then you will have very good plants.
Completely agree.

As for the fish set up, That theory works under a couple conditions: #1 its not brackish or salt water, #2 You have Aragonite, Or another ph buffering substrate in the tank, #3 Your tank is fully cycled and you do water changes enough to keep your nitrates down.

Yep, sounds like you own a tank or two. :) Yes, you CAN NOT just pour water from the tank into the plants system. There are steps. But simple ones that you would get in the routine of if you properly owned a tank - execpt for the fact it has to be Fresh Water. lol
Well. As to the aquaponics with all my research im pretty much qualified for that.

As for the fish comments. Actually if you take care of your fish/pick the right fish/make sure they have no IPs (internal parasites furthermore why your fish has stringy shit and looks anorexic) Then you will have very good plants.
What size of tanks do you have? And on the topic of setting roots, that might work for the seeds to germinate but i am not sure they would survive with out direct oxygen after that. But it is worth a try, if you do drop me a line and let me know how it turned out.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Riz and shady beans for sharing your impressive grow with all of us. I can't wait to see the next update. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Integra, Sorry if i stole your sig, it's just a kick ass sig for the bubble heads. i didn't knwo those are yours, DAMNNNN!! But i dont know too much about the fish thing my friend wants to try it i told him to just try bubbleponics first. He's never gone hydro... (im beating it into his brain its the only way to go) LOL :D :P