1 Week into Veg..1st grow with pics. Exited!!


The plant is today 1 week old! Currently under 3, 25 W CFL's - 2 are blue, 1 is red. Im adding 2 more in a few days tho..I think shes streched a bit.

I used a tiny bit of nutes and actually got some nute burn in the centre so ive stopped giving any nutes at all now.

This is kinda just a trial run to start so any advice at all would be helpful kiss-ass

Ill be posting pics regularly and doing a lil diary :mrgreen:

1 Week:



Well-Known Member
Yeah she's a little stretched, but not too bad. Make sure your lights are within two inches from her, and it will stop. When you transplant, you can bury some of that stem and problem solved. No need for nutes now - she has all she needs in the cotyldons - thos first founded leaves. Wait until she is at least three weeks old before starting nutrients. Make sure there is a fan blowing, not directly on her but near so that it makes her shiver - it will help make her stem strong.
All in all you're off to a good start!:peace:


Active Member
Yeah she's a little stretched, but not too bad. Make sure your lights are within two inches from her, and it will stop. When you transplant, you can bury some of that stem and problem solved. No need for nutes now - she has all she needs in the cotyldons - thos first founded leaves. Wait until she is at least three weeks old before starting nutrients. Make sure there is a fan blowing, not directly on her but near so that it makes her shiver - it will help make her stem strong.
All in all you're off to a good start!:peace:

Nice and detailed response, + rep for helpin a new grower :leaf:

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
Depending on the Nutrient line that you choose, you can use nutrients from seedling. I use Botanicare's Pure Blend ProGrow and it recommends using from the time they are seedlings (7ml ProGrow/1 gallon water). Check the labels. Botanicare is a great line to use for beginners and advanced alike.


Nice grow, dude. She looks a little stretched like the other dude said. Just make sure to keep the lights 2 inches above the plant. Other than that, your plant looks great. Happy growing. :bigjoint:



1 week later and I have some problems :sleep:
I have no idea whats up..ive had no growth. Ive been watering fine. Anybody have any ideas whats up?



I think its temp realted...its in my closet with temps about 65 with lights on and porbably even cooler with lights off. Is this too cold??


Well-Known Member
looks like they are burnt....leaves look really crispy. how close are your lights? and how much have you been watering?

josh b

Well-Known Member
just bout to say the same lol and there also a lil stretched and keep em at around mid 20's.


Well-Known Member
nute burn for sure what are you using? looks like its high in P. flush the soil out and dont use nutes till your 5th set of leaves and go low on the nutes to start off. soil have nutes in it?


Well-Known Member
I think its temp realted...its in my closet with temps about 65 with lights on and porbably even cooler with lights off. Is this too cold??
I hope its not too late for you dude!
Make sure your not too wet or your soils not compact to point where no drainage. looks a bit like you have a bad root system for whatever reason and the plant isnt getting fed!
hope you can get it sorted, and good luck!!8-)


yes i believe that is to cold you don't really want the air temp under 72 well thats what i keep mine at


Well its dead now...took a look at the roots and there was nothing there. Such a fail. Im not even sure were I went wrong...


I think that when I watered it the soil was compacted and becuase it wasn't warm enough to evaporate the soil just stayed saturated and the poor roots never developed..its a real shame. Im thinking of buying a heater and having another go but im not sure yett