1 st indoor grow cfl 3 weeks in


Active Member

Hi all,
This is my first indoor grow, I have grown outside before but none of the plants made it to harvest. I have a small closet space for my grow I have 2 cats so I have to keep my closet doors closed , once i had an incident with my cats eating some seedlings I had. Anyway because of the small space I have to work with I went with cfl's Im running 3x 85 watt 6500k cfl and 1x 6400k 105 watt , ill be flowering with 5x 85 watt 3000k cfls.

I'm growing in soil miracle grow moisure control potting mix, I know alot of people dont like miracle grow but ive had good luck growing with it outdoors big healthy plants even through they didnt make it to harvest either cause they were male or local wildlife/cops found them and ate/took them. I have mylar on the walls , the temp is usually between 71-80 f with 40-60% humidity. Using tap water after it sits overnight to allower chlorine to dissipate, soil is 7 ph, been watering approx every 3 days have moisture meter, first week no neuts 2nd fox farm grow big at 200ppm, 3rd week grow big at 400ppm along with a bit of big bloom. Running 18/6 lights on digital timer

Seeds are
2x lasqueti haze
2x northern lights
4x utopia haze feminzed

Welcome to your thoughts and suggestions, also have noticed just a tiny bit of yellowing at the tips of a leaf or two as shown on the pic close up of leaf, also 1 or 2 of the lowest leaves were somewhat yellow on 1 plant all the rest are full green, any ideas? perhaps I am just overanalyzing and nothing is really wrong.


Well-Known Member
are u going to sog/lst them coz space is the factor how long in the veg till u flower some plants can 2/3 times of what they were when veging. =] <3