1 drug the rest of your life..

poon cup

Never done any hulucigens except mdma (mollys) if that counts, i get insanely paranoid every time i smoke weed now so i figure id bug out like mad if i ever did mushrooms or acid so im stayin away from those.

My choice drug would have to be coke as a quick 30 minute drive down to miami and i can get some good shit for $150 an 8 ball. If money was an issue id prob say oxys with lots o alcohol.

poon cup

Ye i used to love weed like crazy but i found out i had this heart syndrome a while ago called wpw had the procedure to get my heart beat back to normal and havnt smoked much since then because i found i always get anxiety about having a heart attack. I found that with some reges i dont get anxiety to bad and still can have a decent time though if i do smoke which i rarely do i usually smoke some reges drink some margarita and go to the beach. Keeps my anxiety down and takes care of my dry mouth :).

so to all u reges dealers out there remember some of us still love u :).


Well-Known Member
One drug for the rest of my life : marijuana. It's versatile. It comes in all shapes and sizes and varieties for many, many uses. You can make all kinds of extracts meant to give comfort and relief to copious ailments. You can even use it recreationally on a bad day, much like you would with a six pack of beer, except with no ill effects. You can make lamp oil and food from the seeds, rope and clothes from the stalks. You can also cook with the same oil you use to keep a flame lit. You can create shelter and make tools with limbs. To think : I can get high and survive from this one plant... Most of all, it's fully renewable. All you need is dirt, water and sun. I call this the ultimate drug.

poon cup

ye sorry i meant regs when spelling it i just kept typing reges for some reason. my bad.And howzer this isnt the "if you were stuck on an island and could only bring one thing. what would it be?" question as i cant imagine a situation where i would need to make tools and shelter out of marijuana limbs. :P
i mean weed is nice but having a tolerance from smoking everyday sucks dick.. besides MJ id say oxycontin and ambien r my favorite.. ambien fucked my shit up big time.. i love tht shit


Active Member
i mean weed is nice but having a tolerance from smoking everyday sucks dick.. besides MJ id say oxycontin and ambien r my favorite.. ambien fucked my shit up big time.. i love tht shit
dude ur tolerance for OCs will grow quickly if you were to do them everyday for the rest of your life.. switch the ambien to zanzies and ur set


Well-Known Member
pills will ruin your body, there are natural solutions that are just as potent with less side effects and im not talking about just pot. but i do love me some oc's hahaha


Well-Known Member
I only did LSD once and came out of it crying and holding a plastic nerf shotgun....I was scared shitless...hahaha....If weeds outta the question Id have to say Opium