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  1. TwistD

    DWC moisture collecting between leaves

    Probably not a real problem but I got some dwc going and the girls are looking great(about 5 weeks in) I've started to notice some moisture collecting where some of the leaves touch. I dont spray or mist the leaves. RH stays at a steady 65%. Is it just condensation? Prevention? Nothing to be...
  2. TwistD

    After harvest

    I got a quick question. If I grow outdoors next year, after harvest what happens to the plant? Can I leave it dominant for the winter? Will it return the following year bigger and better? Diminished quality? OK OK so it was more than one question. I don't live in Cali or someplace that has...
  3. TwistD

    Let's get Nostalgic

    I'm turning 40 this year and started to think about when I started enjoying this now wide spread cannabis culture. Sure, it was around long before I was, but we all know (well.....the old skools anyway) things have change dramatically since the late 1970's. So I would like to reflect back on the...
  4. TwistD

    I wanna try breeding...

    First I would like to say, that I have looked through several books and online forums to find this information and haven' seemed to find it. Not to say it isn't out there but I can't find it. So basically, here is the question at hand. I have access to several strains and "regular" (male and...