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  1. LitLemur

    GROWTH TIPS smell like rotten eggs

    Update: plants are doing better, the bad smell went (mostly) away within ~48hrs of flushing the soil. Noticed my ph was pretty alkaline at around 8-8.5, they fully returned to their normal smell not long after correcting that so thanks for encouraging that purchase. Noticed they were starting to...
  2. LitLemur

    GROWTH TIPS smell like rotten eggs

    If it's sulfur buildup, will that resolve itself after correcting the ph? I don't have any test strips yet, just ordered some though. I'm still not sure it's rot, as I said the soil doesn't stink, just the very top of the plant. Or are you saying the tip is rotting? It looks fine. Maybe some...
  3. LitLemur

    GROWTH TIPS smell like rotten eggs

    Hey fellas, new here :D I'm a little over a month into my first (serious) grow. So far it has been going great! That is, until this morning. I always check my plants first thing after waking up. I always love the rush of that lovely smell when I open the door to my grow room, but today it was...