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  1. Richard Drysift

    Bubblesnake TeaLab brewer revealed

    Hey now our bubble snake has just arrived along with a commercial air pump and mesh bags. Ready to start brewing up some tea. Will be updating with fresh pics of all this cool new equipment we have and then plan on doing a run of fungal tea just to start the party rockin. If ya didn’t know this...
  2. Richard Drysift

    Ladybugs, Lacewings, and Trifecta

    Have not been posting pics because plants in my bloom room are frosted with powdery mildew. Only a few clones in the veg area are showing signs of PM but the rest of my grow is infested with wooly aphids. It started with some minor flooding that wasn’t properly dealt with and then we saw bugs...
  3. Richard Drysift

    Cubensis liquid culture…legal? What changed??

    It’s an amazing time to be alive. Several well known spore vendors are now selling liquid cultures of cubensis which I am sure in the past was never a thing. Not sure if the laws have changed or if it’s just that since LCs are sort of a grey area anyway it’s fathomable that law enforcement has...
  4. Richard Drysift

    Off the chain

    I’ve grown some doozies before but this one is (see thread title above). This is a backcross of shishkaberry x hashplant so it’s has been crossed onto itself ….though not by me. A west coast breeder friend of a friend took the time to produce this genetic masterpiece…:hump: Thanks for checking...
  5. Richard Drysift

    Dicks Super Heady Pumpkin Spice Muffins

    It’s fall y’all. Up here in the northeast USA it’s time for hoodies, apple pickin and pumpkin spice flavored everything fuckin thing. Been thought enjoying these pumpkin spice muffins all weekend so thought I’d share this recipe because it’s just so banging. Pumpkin goes along very well with the...
  6. Richard Drysift

    Dick’s super heady cosmic brownie bites

    I usually don’t dig on edibles too much because I never found them to work very well for me. That is until I tried these double chocolate muffins the hippies in the next tent over were selling at a festival some years ago. Literally put me on my ass; ended up falling asleep mid afternoon on an...
  7. Richard Drysift

    Grow-A-Long with Dick

    Here’s to new beginnings! Restarting a perpetual grow from jump street so was thinking of doing something as an collective: I will post an updated pic weekly or bi-weekly to monitor our progress and show how these plants develop through veg into bloom and full maturity. Feel free to post pics of...
  8. Richard Drysift

    Agar bitches

    Agar, bitches, is how I roll. There's not enough threads around here about growing shrooms and way too many about really bad drugs most people shouldn't even fuck around with. I have yet to see one that even mentions agar work. Agar is a great way to start a mushroom grow because you separate...
  9. Richard Drysift

    Christmastime Bud

    FYI today is November 1st. In just 55 more days it will be December 25th. This is the earliest possible harvest window for buds to be ready to chop during the holi-daze. So if you have plants that were recently flipped on or before today feel free to post a pic or 2 here. Would be cool if...
  10. Richard Drysift

    Dick does dank 2.0

    This chronicle is the sum of all I know. Everything I have learned thus far about growing cannabis was either from reading posts by enlightened growers here at rollitup or from these two books which are highly recommended: True Living Organics by The Rev Teaming with Microbes by Lowenfels and...
  11. Richard Drysift

    Shroomin with Dick

    The first fruits of the season right here.... And this tub is just kicking off... Share your shroomin pics here and any questions ask away. Certainly not an expert but growing stuff is my favorite subject. So spread the love & happy shroomin Peace
  12. Richard Drysift

    Quick fix 6.1 anyone used this stuff?

    Found out I now may have to take random pee tests for my job. I'm a daily smoker and grow some of the finest dank in the land so quitting doesn't seem a realistic option for me. Looked at the whizzinator fake cock & all that seems like overkill. I know they are just gonna make me go in a room...
  13. Richard Drysift

    I wanna grow cactus

    Ive been reading for years about mescaline cactus but never thought to grow some until now. I have just ordered some T. Bridgesii seeds and plan to try and germinate them. How difficult is it to grow cacti from seed and how long will it be before I have plants large enough to extract doses? Any...
  14. Richard Drysift

    Dick does dank

    I've been lurking around for years here trying to stop dikkin up my dank & I've finally got it down to a system I can easily manage. The methods I use come from a growing system called TLO or true living organics which is just a natural way to grow coined by some dude out in mendo named the Rev...
  15. Richard Drysift

    Red Frog Compost tea review

    Found this red frog compost tea ad on RIU & sounds like really great stuff. I ordered a 3 lb bag of the bloom formula which is supposed to do 11 five gal batches or a single 55 gal batch of compost tea. I also bought their recommended air diffuser which is supposed to aerate the tea at a high...
  16. Richard Drysift

    Gorgeous plant, huge buds...& then nanners??!? WTF

    This critical jack plant has been an anomaly from day one. She was preflowering even before being flipped & once in my bloom room under serious wattage she grew out serious bud. She has exhibited sativa dominant traits through flowering so it's no surprise that she is at week 12 going on 13 of...
  17. Richard Drysift

    How to make shatter from bubble hash

    I've been experimenting with different hash methods over the years & ive tried it all: bubble, BHO, qwizo, qwert, & dry sifting (obviously). For years I would bounce nugs/trims lightly & then pack up tubes to blast into errl. I recently came into a bubble max machine on the very cheap which is...
  18. Richard Drysift

    How long do you let your mother go?

    I've been running this strawberry sour diesel strain for awhile now. Kept a SSD mother plant in veg for over a year now & it seems like her offspring are not as vibrant as they once were. I've got a bunch of new strains started from seed in flower now & they are much frostier & more pungent...
  19. Richard Drysift

    Using rice in your mix

    I've read that many growers use rice in their mix which promotes fungal life like mycorrhizae and helps with water retention but do you really need to use organic basmati rice hulls? Will an unopened bag of minute rice do in a pinch? I am currently getting a mix ready for my next set of clones...
  20. Richard Drysift

    First True Living Organics Grow

    Just finished reading True Living Organics by the Rev and realize a lot of what I thought I knew about growing pot is wrong. In the past I have always used chelated synthetic nutrients and straight water from the tap with varying degrees of success. I had already started plants in vegging in...