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    Good job Arizona

    Irrational much? I think you should step away from the bottle...... Since you want to grandstand instead of addressing my point that you can't expect to push your lifestyle on others while denying them the same respect: Do being a pedophile, psychopath, sociopath, practicing bestiality, or...
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    Good job Arizona

    No I didn't, I said homosexuality is deviant behavior by definition. I then posted the definition to show what deviant means for simple minded folks like you, and like it or not homosexuality is deviant behavior.
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    Good job Arizona

    No - I am not wrong. The definition of deviant I posted is the accepted definition, and it does not make any difference if it is describing sexual preference, opinion, or even a different phenotype in your weed.
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    Good job Arizona

    See you are too simple minded to understand: I posted the definition of deviant in reply to another post, and like it or not homosexuality fits the definition of deviant behavior, and this is why many find it offensive. I personally have nothing against anyone simply based on their sexual...
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    Is being black in US worse than being white?

    Equality is impossible without equal effort..............................
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    Is being black in US worse than being white?

    Funny how most ignore the 10 ton elephant in the room: Most of these statistics are within the power of black people, and no one else to change.
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    Good job Arizona

    de·vi·ant adjective \-ənt\: different from what is considered to be normal or morally correct
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    Good job Arizona

    No - I believe without doubt that you are born a homosexual, but others are born murders, and child molesters so? You have the right to be gay without question, but you do not have the right to force your lifestyle on others who are offended by your actions.
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    Good job Arizona

    How can you floks believe Gay/Lesbians have a right to their beliefs, and yet those offended by their actions have no rights to their own beliefs? Homosexuality is by definition deviant sexual behavior, so how can it be bigoted or hate speech to believe that deviant sexual behavior is wrong...
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    Is it nute burn or deficiency?

    Look under the leaves with magnification - mites?
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    Are there dispensaries that sell vegged plants?

    Do you just make this shit up? It is not illegal in CO to get weed from anyone, but it is illegal to sell weed without proper licensing.
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    Are there dispensaries that sell vegged plants?

    Does not matter if you are the buyer - you can buy from anyone. It would only be an issue if you were the seller.
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    Vaporizer pens - where/which one?

    Hey folks, Maybe not the right place to post, but..... I need to know which vaporizer pen to get for mobile use, and who in the Denver metro area has them? Would rather ask for help from other CO patients, and y'all seem to know what you are talking about. Thanks in advance, AB
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    Thank you all so much for your help. I will probably bring my own to be safe, but try to check out what Az has going. Good day all.....
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    Good day, I am a long time registered Colorado Medical Marijuana patient, and will be visiting the Phoenix area soon. I contacted NORML, and they directed me to their web site showing Arizona to be a reciprocal state, and informed me that my legal Colorado registration would be honored by...
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    Pot farms wreaking havoc on Northern California environment

    fuck the bears, like i said 30,000 and out in the wilderness that means they out number humans in population per square mile in a lot of areas. they are a danger and gun is not always effective or are you there to use them. You have just demonstrated that you are a complete worthless idiot...
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    Pure class

    Some of you forget that there are good, and bad in every group. This officer shows himself to be one of the best - thank you Officer DePrimo...
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    This state is messed up

    hiluxphantom, You are demonstrating that you know nothing with your ignorant comments: No politicians in CO have lost or won jobs due to MMJ - do you just make this shit up? Brewer was elected because the majority of Arizona voters agree with her positions on the issues. Sheriff Joe Arpaio...
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    Capital Punishment

    Tookie Williams was a good example of a man that was executed because of a false conviction. Plus, I believe criminals should re rehabilitated instead of punished. In Isreal they have a great prison system. Bullshit - he was a straight piece of shit thug - dead is is the only place he belonged.
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    cloning problems , cuts not rooting

    Raising the temp. makes my strains root faster - 4 or 5 days and they are good to go.