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  1. M

    Upper fan leaves with browning

    I have been having an issue with my plants as they are showing brown spots all over some fan leaves. It is on the new growth, so upper part of the plant. I feed them about 8ml/gallon of nutrients as the recommended dosage from the nutrient's labels. I use tap water, but I de-chlorinate it. I...
  2. M

    Can't figure out the deficiency...

    I have read about a lot of deficiencies, but I just can't seem to put my hand on what it exactly is and I wanted to know for suee before I do anything dumb. 1) Growing indoor 2) I water whenever the soil gets to be dry 3) Growing in Coco Coir 4) Vegetative stage I believe. Picture of the...
  3. M

    Don't Know Whats Wrong With Plant...?

    Hello, I came to this forum to seek help from knowledgeable people! Now i'v been growing my girls for 42 days, and they have been like this for a while, not sure how long, but they are close to the vegetative stage of their life cycle. Here is what they look like: So no one is confused...