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  1. bunnyfather

    What is the perfect size joint?

    What do you think is the perfect size joint? Just an good average size joint, not monster or pinner...
  2. bunnyfather

    Coconut Cannabis Spread, this was a tough one.

    Here's a very new product to market: It's Coconuts version of butter. So let make it better ;-) Not easy thought, it's composed like margarine. Oil based and added water. The key was to heat to the point to make the transfer of the good stuff without compromising (overheating) and ending up...
  3. bunnyfather

    G13 Cheese looking nice, anyone grown before?

    Here is my little G13 Cheese. I haven't grown this one before but it's looking nice so far.
  4. bunnyfather

    Beautiful Phatt Fruity

    Here is a sneak peek at my newest run. This beauty is Phatt Fruity, one of my favorites. I'll keep you posted on them and add pics as they grow. I'll also put up strain info. Hope you enjoy.
  5. bunnyfather

    Rogan vs. Grace: Go Seth

    This is awesome
  6. bunnyfather

    Toxic BunnyBudder: 4/20 Preparation

    I have a passion for cannabutter, I've played with recipes for years. This is my personal batch for this Sunday. It's probably one of the strongest I've made. Took 3 days but it's worth it. This batch has: 2 Sticks no salt added butter 14g Couch Lock Bud 14g KC Jones Bud 30g Various mix...
  7. bunnyfather

    Next batch: G13 Cheese and Phatt Fruity

    So the Bubblicious and Bunnylicious run is done and drying. Next in this tent are the G13 Cheese and the Phatt Fruity. Both are 3 months old and started from seed. They've both been preflowered for two weeks under the mh veg light. Looking forward to these, I've grown the Fruity before but not...
  8. bunnyfather

    Sticky Solutions???

    After a long day of trimming what works best to get the sticky off your paws? Dawn dish soap if my usual, but if I have time I mix up baking soda and lemon juice! Works great, just make a paste and rub on hand like lotion then wash off. Good for your skin too according to my wife :-)
  9. bunnyfather

    New Drying and Curing Cabinet

    This is the prototype of my new drying and curing cabinet. After a few other designs and countless hours of studying air flow, humidity and air quality; coupled with my experience and a few partners in crime I think we finally have a presentable and full to spec unit. The goal is to create a...
  10. bunnyfather

    What's the strongest n' rarest you've ever smoked?

    Hello fellow Potheads :-P So tell me about the strongest n' rarest strains you've ever smoked...
  11. bunnyfather

    RIU Kinship after bitter start

    Hello everyone nice to meet you. I go by the Bunnyfather or Bunny. I'm second time new here, my first experience on RIU was mostly unpleasant. So I took a break, and decided to try it again. I happy to report that this time I enjoy this site and the people I've had the pleasure to chat with...
  12. bunnyfather

    Harvest Day for or new Bunnylicious

    Bunnylicious is a female Bubblicious and some of our Bunny's favorite Afghan (from our pollen stock). She test at 21.4 thc and 1.3 cbd. Yields average 13 to 15 oz's per m². Doesn't like topping or LST, produces best flowered at 18" and left to grow naturally. Smoke is mellow and spicy with a...
  13. bunnyfather

    Bubblicious - Almost ready

    I decided to give these Bubblicious (Nirvana) a go, I've had the seeds for over a year now so it was time. For an auto I pretty pleased; look, smell and size are all good. Close to harvest, I just started flushing 3 days ago. Anyone else grow this strain before?