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  1. E

    shrooming event with chimps

    Finished my last final yesterday and did shrooms with my best buds in the park.....came up at the zoo and it hit hard when we got to the chimps about 5 or 6 of the ugliest lil chimps came up to the glass to observe us. almost immediately a lady with a dog wearing a vest (it said pschiatric...
  2. E

    guide to beating drug tests

    if this is in the wrong place or if I screwed up anything, let me know! Drug testing is an invasion of privacy, but privacy is not a constitutionally protected right. A company has the right to screen its potential and current employees for drug use, but the testees have the...
  3. E

    3 week vacation

    Me and all of my closest friends will be going away for 3 weeks for winter break. We want to set up some sort of watering system while were gone. Theres nobody who can come in to help our plants while were all gone. Any tips or advise on how to set up a 3-week watering/care system would be...
  4. E

    need to finish budding by dec 20th. help needed first grow

    So i'm a week since planting. got a couple sprouts from 1-2.5 inches in height. i want to veg for 1-2 weeks. I need to leave by dec 20th but will be drying sumwhere else. I have 2 CFL's (NVISION soft white: 120 volt; 42watt; 2700k color spec; 2500 lumens or so) I plan on repotting in 1...
  5. E

    bathroom grow

    So I'm thinking about starting my first grow in my bathroom. Would pooping and peeing in here inhibit healthy growth? Im srs. Also, I want to do it really quick and dirty. I dont care about maximizing yield. Just speed. Im starting with about 15 plants and expect 2-4 to be harvested to...