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  1. bubbleinthebrain

    Undrugged: Freaking SWEET site, but LAME exclusivity.

    For starters....jesus, this new site format, is freaking bugging me out. It's so obnoxious and three dimensional.....ahh... i'm squinty and teary-eyed as it is, but fuck me. jeez. Is it new? Haven't been round lately. (lame pun intended, in retrospect) Anyways. Getting to the point here-...
  2. bubbleinthebrain

    Hot N' Sexy High-Res Photos: Underage Ladies

    Thought I'd share some purrdy pictures with ye'all. Hoping also to get some sort of guesstimate on how long I'll have to wait till 8 weeks, but some plants sure don't look it! I'm gonna post the pics in three groups: The first is just general vegging, the second is early...
  3. bubbleinthebrain

    Cloning at 2 months- end o july?

    Don't know what category it really belongs in-- but I was curious about trying to move my 15 clones outdoors within the next couple of weeks. They are in clone tent with 24 hours of cfl at 95% humidity. They're only 5 days old right now.. but what I'm wondering i guess is can I move them...
  4. bubbleinthebrain

    starting flower nutes outdoors?

    So, most nutrient containers seem to indicate that you should switch to flower nutrients when the light cycle hits 12 hrs.... but.. When growing outdoors, should i just introduce bloom nutrients at first sign of flowering? thanks :)
  5. bubbleinthebrain

    Flowering and such- NY grow

    Howdy, So- I've got me nine little darlings a-growing merrily outside; they're about crotch high Sensi Seed Jamaican Pearls. Unfortunately I started them on May 25th-- (Been two months to date) so I don't suspect they'll grow out to their full potential. I live just north of Manhattan, and...