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  1. DNAprotection

    Human Rights vs Civil Rights Cultivates into National Security Complications

    Read full more detailed version of this piece here: Civil rights get you to the market, Human rights get you through life. Short (extremely edited) version: In February, 2016, the...
  2. DNAprotection

    Missing GMcannabis Regulations Cultivates into Bio-Threat to National Security The other reason the feds are moving fast on "legalization": Are you the kind of person who takes it seriously when a Director of National Intelligence reports (in his February, 2016...
  3. DNAprotection

    Health care is not a human right

    Commercial health care can be a civil right, but not a human right. Civil rights generally emerge from the dynamic of equal protection to take part in the commercial world. Human rights are those that are self evident and naturally endowed. In other words, short of hurting someone else in your...
  4. DNAprotection

    Help write a law to fix a broken time for cannabis and humans...

    Still in draft stage, can you help make this proposed law better? ‘The Freedom to Garden Human Rights Restoration And Natural Seed & Plant DNA Protection Act’ An Act to restore and protect the natural Human Right to grow and use natural seeds and plants for the basic necessities of life...
  5. DNAprotection

    Why no GMO cannabis id process in "legal" states?

    In Colorado, California etc., there is no process in place to require identification and regulation of genetically engineered cannabis. At this point in time you really have no clue, other than the word of the seller, if your cannabis is GMO or not. All other commercial crops are regulated for...
  6. DNAprotection

    Perfect example of how gov cares about you & your thoughts...

    We see this kind of display regularly in the county gov where I live, it's sickening... "March 11, 2019 Seattle City Council Meeting during public comment period. All Council Members paying attention to their phone and not speakers. Speaker rudely treated by Council Member Juerez when he asked...
  7. DNAprotection

    old soldier still fighting for freedom...

    I'm not new, but I don't think I ever said hi here before and I've been gone a while so thought I would post this vid as an introduction. I would also offer this, the corporate cannabis "legalization" we see manifesting across the country is not what I was fighting for. In 1993, right after I...
  8. DNAprotection

    A simple test for cannabis legalization legislation...

    A simple yet critical test to help folks understand what kind of law they are voting on when they vote on (or are writing) cannabis legalization legislation:
  9. DNAprotection

    Where did "legalization" go wrong & how to fix it...

    Cannabis legalization is far more complex and important then it's being framed to be by the viewpoints that have main stream media access, and as a result, many questions that should be asked are intentionally just not there. One such important question should be, why not fight for human rights...
  10. DNAprotection

    Corporate legalization movement vs human rights...which side are you on?

    Lorraine Dechter, General Manager of KZYX interviews Ron Kiczenski for the Cannabis Hour's May 5, 2016 episode. This is a show Monsanto, the Drug Policy Alliance, MPP , and NORML would not want you to hear. If you care about human rights , food , and freedom , take the time to hear and share...
  11. DNAprotection

    Corporate 'legalization' movement v human rights

    Lorraine Dechter, General Manager of KZYX interviews Ron Kiczenski for the Cannabis Hour's May 5, 2016 episode. This is a show Monsanto, the Drug Policy Alliance, MPP , and NORML would not want you to hear. If you care about human rights , food , and freedom , take the time to hear and share...
  12. DNAprotection

    The carrot test...

  13. DNAprotection

    The truth about the Trojan horse "legalization movement", who's behind it and their motives

    Hemp Activist Ron Kicznenski and Freedom Of Joyce host Tere Joyce discuss the 1% and their greed for Marijuana. What will be the fate of Mary Jane? Taxation, GMO Cannabis, and regulation that lends toward a monopoly that benefits only the few, resulting in the natural cannabis plant's...
  14. DNAprotection

    Turning Point radio, Sheriff of Mendo convinced GMO cannabis is growing in norcal

    5/28/15, Turning Point (10am - 11am pst, Sheriff Tom Allman concludes that GMO cannabis is being grown in Mendocino county in spite of the Mendo GMO ban... 5/27/15... Turning Point interviews the...
  15. DNAprotection

    How would you vote on this measure if it were on your County ballot?

    About a decade ago I filed suit against the Federal gov claiming protections under the 9th amendment (also had other causes of action including a 1st amendment argument) for the human right to grow any plant for my own uses outside of commerce, and of course I claimed that gov had no...
  16. DNAprotection

    a community movement to reengage self governance and basic human rights...

    the ultimate authority rests with the people, and there's plain and simple language in the Declaration of Independence which describes exactly why government exists and how the ultimate authority always rests with the People... "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created...
  17. DNAprotection

    Thanks RIU! we filed yesterday...

    We filed yesterday...Now we have 15 days before we get back a title and summary, then we publish and gather signatures. In part, the birth of this effort was inspired by the folks here at RIU, and of course ya'll were the first witnesses to see or know of the proposed measure, so thanks :) Below...
  18. DNAprotection

    we need proof readers, please help on this...

    this measure could be easily adapted to work in any state, we are still doing last minute editing, but we have added section 1.(b) and changed section 3. we are hoping to file this today :) so any input you may have would be appreciated, thanks, dna "(Section)1.(b) That any law, to the extent...
  19. DNAprotection

    smokin cheese...

    i try new strains every year but in terms of resistance to molds and pestilence, consistency and yield, potency and the candy/skunk aroma, imo nothing beats it... ironically burning cheese is also my favorite pastime here at ya cheesey! :)
  20. DNAprotection

    got dirt? so much for bummer care lol...

    get all up in it! :D