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  1. Mammoth22

    400w Q9 Bloom box turned dirt!

    So after a few harvests with my plug n play machine ive decided to start a grow journal on here, see if i can make the next a better crop. What I have is essentially a BCNL bloombox, but it is from a different company. heres the link: But we...
  2. Mammoth22


    Okay, i think im bout to start on my 3rd grow, but i wanted2 c if any of you had exp. with the attic deal. Im only going to have 2-4 plants, i have a 400w halide for veg and 3 150w hps's. i just want to know if i need to do sumthin bout all this insulation, tent of some kind? 3rd pic is of my...
  3. Mammoth22

    Plant falling over from wind, any advise?

    I have 2 plants in a hydro system and added an external fan into my grow space. But i guess the fan was too close to my larger plant and it fell over. Im trying now to get it to stand up again, but will a straw and some string realy help this? I mean, my plant was completely knocked over, but it...
  4. Mammoth22

    Q-9 Hydro

    All right, so I bought this machine off my buddy and finally have it hooked up somewhere to start growing some kron john, but i had a few questions. To start off, this is what I have hydroponic systems, dual chamber, indoor greenhouse, quickgrow canada, the best hydroponics equipment. It holds...
  5. Mammoth22

    First Grow. Need tips

    Okay, ive been wanting to grow for some time now and once discovering this site, went through with my plan. I wanted to do something simple. Not too much on the budget, and still get some decent-good results. I planted two seeds that I germinated in MG soil in dixie cups. I had them outside for...