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  1. iSmokealottaweed

    Girl Scout Cookies "Forum Cut"

    Another finished sample of the Cookies. Grown in Cocoa w/ Botanicare nutes. :joint:
  2. iSmokealottaweed

    Banana Fuel

    No but I wish I had. Is it floating around norcal?
  3. iSmokealottaweed

    YOLO moment with my strand

    This thread. :clap:
  4. iSmokealottaweed

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    That looks really nice!! Here's a few honeycomb slabs I ran for a friend and myself a little while back.. The biggest slab was just over 40g's and was a mix of Cherry Pie,Tahoe Og,Chem 4 and B-Real Og.
  5. iSmokealottaweed

    Need Vehicle Advice

    Boom was just about to say it myself. So many of these go through shop with trans issues. That why they were dubbed the Ford "Exploders" bro..
  6. iSmokealottaweed

    Should i trim?

    Just looked at your other thread. Leave em. Let your new growth feed from them until they yellow out.. What are you feeding them?
  7. iSmokealottaweed

    old on seeds

    Toss em in a glass of water for 24-48hrs and see if they crack. However it would suck to have root issues from the get go. Perhaps new seeds are the way to go.. That's your call..
  8. iSmokealottaweed

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Might as well add a few pics of recent personal batches i've ran. Everything is blasted and purged at low temps. Each batch tastes and smells just like the plant it came from.. No boo boo here..Straight fire. OG Blend (Triangle Og,Faceoff Og,Tahoe Og) Pulled before it waxed up. Nice 11g...
  9. iSmokealottaweed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    There's also the Fab Egg/Klein/Torus recycler which is not a regular production piece to my knowledge. index=10
  10. iSmokealottaweed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    The Mothership Torus? :shock:
  11. iSmokealottaweed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Props and thanks dankshizzle for busting me out a Munny w/ accessories and sweet lil blast tube. Now I can run batches with this guy next to me sporting his lil blast tube and take dabs when I need em. Such a cool ass piece. Here's a locally blown piece that arrived yesterday. Twists the water...
  12. iSmokealottaweed

    Girl Scout Cookies "Forum Cut"

    Checkout the NEW Bay Dream too!! If you need any of their gear get in contact with me. Packs for half.
  13. iSmokealottaweed

    New Genetics on the way.. Skywalker OG... Fire Alien Kush

    Please don't troll a dope ass breeder.. Dude's cool as fuck when he's not dealing with bullshit and has put out some elite strains. Tahoe OG for instance is a straight killer..
  14. iSmokealottaweed

    New Genetics on the way.. Skywalker OG... Fire Alien Kush

    The Skywalker OG is for sure on point. Been meaning to run a room of it for awhile. Time to stop being lazy.
  15. iSmokealottaweed

    Quick nute question

    If MG is your only option mix it at 1/4-1/2 strength and fert every 3rd watering or once a week whichever comes first. If you are able to get a Postal money order and order some Foxfarm Nutes offline that would be a better option though.
  16. iSmokealottaweed

    Hello y'all

    Whats the Jackie White all about? Sounds nice..
  17. iSmokealottaweed

    Advanced Ph Perfect adjust PH after mixing in nutes&boosters

    Run half strength everything and Ph after adding nutes.
  18. iSmokealottaweed

    Snoop's og

    You running this or pick it up from someone/somewhere. Would love to get my hands on that cut.
  19. iSmokealottaweed

    Dirf's 1000W Querkle and Lemon Skunk grow

    Looking really nice. I ran the Querkle and its some funky shit!! In a very good way of course..
  20. iSmokealottaweed

    how to make my own spice

    Yep and threads like that and this are what will get attention from the wrong people. If weed's not strong enough go grab some hash or a damn beer. Quict sucking up chemicals like its the cool thing to do. The 50 year old you would be kicking the crap out of the current you if he could for...