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  1. BadHabits

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    I think the people that dont flush ... need to calm down, if you dont and it works fine, then good for you, no need to be so millitant about it.
  2. BadHabits

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    Im not sure if its a certain type of nute that dose it, but i can tell the difference sometimes, especially in this bit.
  3. BadHabits

    How to encourage bud growth?

    I both respect and appreciate that man XD Im a lil scketchy myself, which is why I haven invested 450 in a tent yet XD
  4. BadHabits

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    Slightly XD its just soo stupid, because the weeds obviously been grown by someone who knows how to grow ... but either didnt know how to flush, or just decided not too, it'd be such a nice bit of green too ... why?! :cry:
  5. BadHabits

    How to encourage bud growth?

    Thanks man, anything i should look out for using nft? as I imagine that the roots would be more exposed and vunerable using nft? or am I not getting it .. that could be it XD
  6. BadHabits

    How to encourage bud growth?

    Pretty self explanitory but I will elaborate XD I am starting a grow very soon (Nft tent system) and was wondering if anyone had some good advice on how to encourage bigger buds, thank you :)
  7. BadHabits

    Blue Dream - Time for Harvest?

    :weed: Looks immense man :)
  8. BadHabits

    ready to harvest??? (bud pic's) my first indoor grow :)!

    Not when your scraping your bong out for the 4th time XD x
  9. BadHabits

    Why oh Why oh Why ...

    ... Do people NOT flush their plants properly?!?! In all seriousness, the amount of times I have bought weed and its been grown to absoloute perfection and the doofus didnt flush the plant properly :cuss: Ive heard it said that people do it to save time on their crops, I always though you just...
  10. BadHabits

    First grow, wanted some advice :)

    Yeah, I see what your saying Grandpa, anything else i need to keep in mind when I use Nft tents? And Jake that is what i wanted was a continuous grow, the secondary tent for clones and veg wouldent even need to as big as the other would it? Also when would be the best period to take cuttings...
  11. BadHabits

    First grow, wanted some advice :)

    Thanks Grandpa, I was wondering if there was any obvious DO'S or DONT'S when it comes to Ntf , I know making sure your not flooding or starving your plants is important, but other than that im green XD
  12. BadHabits

    First grow, wanted some advice :)

    Hey people, new on this site and to growing, so hi! XD Me and my pal are setting up a grow in our new apartment, we were thinking for space and conveniance purposes is to do an NFT Grow, we are willing to put time into it and have done our research, we plan to buy this...
  13. BadHabits

    Tent Nft Grow, 600W

    Hey people, new on this site and to growing, so hi! XD Me and my pal are setting up a grow in our new apartment, we were thinking for space and conveniance purposes is to do an NFT Grow, we are willing to put time into it and have done our research, we plan to buy this...