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  1. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Looking nice mate! And yeah I hope my idea about the leaf water will have some sort of good effect on her :)
  2. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Well I'm Gunna post some pics tomorrow, it's lights off ATM so I don't want to interrupt it. I think iv made good use of the fan leaves iv taken off though, put em in a pan with water, boiled it up, mashed the leaves to next to nothing, strained it and bottled it to use instead of water, put all...
  3. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Alright so iv just done some trimming of the plant and added a slight amount of nutes to a pint of water, iv left the main leaves on the branches with buds, but took a lot of the larger fan leaves off and the smaller pathetic ones too. I'm hoping it's not going to be detrimental to the plant but...
  4. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Thanks for the advice dude! Would trimming cause abit of stress to the plant and stop growth for a few days, iv read a few posts about for and against trimming, what's your opinion?
  5. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Thanks man, it is really strange that there isn't any instructions, oh well il give it a go, some nutes however shitty it might be must be better than none :)
  6. S

    Is this a good closet room?

    Dude nothing's going to grow in there, if you're wanting a small scale grow you can do it cheap enough, but seriously, I doubt that plant would even get past a few weeks old....if it does even sprout.
  7. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    It doesn't say anything on it other than that, it was the only flowering nutes they had, I'm hoping I havn't just wasted £10 haha.
  8. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Thanks for the link dude, really helped :) I'm fine with when to water my plant, dryness of the soil etc. The thing I was more interested in was how you go about using the nutes, just been to the local garden centre and bought a bottle of bio bloom NPk 2.0 6.0 3.5. So normally I water my plant...
  9. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    How often and to what ratio of water would you give nutes mate? I know I'm asking a lot of questions in one thread, I should really just google it or search through the posts, but it's a lot better coming from you experienced guys on here :)
  10. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    I wish there was a definitive way of finding out what the strain is, hopefully it is a 9 weeker, I'd only have 6weeks left, I'm dying to dry and cure it so I can light it up and taste the little beauty. While it was in veg it didn't shoot up very quickly, so I initially thought indica, now I'm...
  11. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Yeah I was thinking the same, but I have no idea what strain it is, I defiantly don't want to harvest too early, thanks for all your feedback guys, first plant is like being a new parent, you worry too much about everything aha, put my mind at ease now :) what advice would you give if it does...
  12. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ha. Prove it.
  13. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah I know what you mean mate, hopefully my plant will be done and dusted and il have some bud left over by the time I go down in July :)
  14. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I love great Yarmouth I go on the Norfolk broads every year :) anyone know of a good dealer down that way?
  15. S

    Hows my plant doing? - First grow 3 weeks into flowering

    Thanks man, was thinking of investing in some nutes, give it a quick blast before I flush it before harvest. Off hand how long would you say I have left before harvest, I was thinking another 5 maybe 6 weeks?
  16. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Some guys are just into that sorta thing, don't be ashamed dude, I'm sure your hands look really pretty typing away being a keyboard warrior.
  17. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not the most creative of the replies but il take that /)
  18. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Not really sure what your problem is, I mean my first impression was that you got one of those fat buds stuck up your arse and that's what's making you so bitchy. Now I'm kinda just thinking your not actually a girl but a lonely fat guy that doesn't actually smoke bud, and this is the only form...
  19. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Be kinda cool if you just turned your computer off :)
  20. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Aha I'm just a happy stoner and grower :)