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  1. J

    Light question....

    Since light seems to be a major factor in the end of the flowering stage, would turning the cycle to 24 hrs on hurt the plant? I dont want to send it into shock or harm it. So what say ye all?
  2. J

    need expert advice on strains.

    Well after a year off "bag-seed" growing, Ive got it down but really really tired of what-ifs and surprises. Sooooo...I'm gonna buy my first strain to clone. I'm almost 50 and been smoking since I was 12...couldnt tell the difference between Afghan Kush and a piar of socks....I just know 3 types...
  3. J

    Can you clone from a flowering plant?

    First I'd like to say thanks, this forum has FINALLY gotten me to the point where I have my first very very nice :weed: personal grow. 4th harvest....first 3 I made mistakes and looked on here for answers....and found them...and then some...the ideas you guys come up with is amazing creativity...
  4. J

    Do i need a lawyer?????please reply soon!!!!

    What state?.....and it matters alot if your out on cash bond or O.R. A cash bond gives them immediate fine $ waiting. It's not always worth a lawyer You can and should fire a Public Defender after you talk to them make him do all the work(in the end your just a playing card to him...