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  1. iloveit

    Hi there Heath, Ive setup a perpetual tree grow (2 trees) & Im thinking of adding a PK booster...

    Hi there Heath, Ive setup a perpetual tree grow (2 trees) & Im thinking of adding a PK booster but not sure how much to introduce to the system. If you were me how would you go about it? Thank Heath. ILoveit.
  2. iloveit

    Can/should I use H2O2 during flush?

    Simply to keep the res clean from pathogens, roots clean & to add a little more dissolved oxygen.
  3. iloveit

    Can/should I use H2O2 during flush?

    Thanks guys, Im going for it.
  4. iloveit

    Can/should I use H2O2 during flush?

    Im using H2O2 (17.5% grade) at the rate of 0.5ml/L in my RDWC system, Im just wandering if using it during flush will affect the bud/smoke in a negative way.
  5. iloveit

    Is it wise to feed nutes to my Blueberry mother plant (in soil) EVERY time I water?

    The first posted was made in early 2009 Ive got the hang of it now but thanks for the input,
  6. iloveit

    Is anyone a member on "Potpimp"....?

    If so please PM me.
  7. iloveit

    This should be interesting!

    Post some pics if possible
  8. iloveit

    A few quick questions on SCROGing...

    What was the reason for this?
  9. iloveit

    A few quick questions on SCROGing...

    Im going to be trying the SCROG method with a square screen on a recirculating DWC grow using a 400W HPS (in cooltube) Id just like to know... 1) When tying the plants to the screen should it be done above the screen or below? 2) What formation works best "spiral, T, V"? 3) How long would be...
  10. iloveit

    Cracker Jack marijuana - it's a new strain of cannabis

    Is this your latest cross or is there something different about this strain? fddd2blk I honestly dont mean to insult by asking this question please dont feel any animosity towards me but why the hype?
  11. iloveit

    Would it be wise to have the dripper on constantly when growing in coco?

    Ive successfully grown in hydro, Ive failed with soil now Im going to try coco (canna's) & Ill be using the 4 pot Atami system my question is should the dripper be flowing constantly or a few times day at set intervals?
  12. iloveit

    What should the PH of peat pelletes be when cutting clones?

    I used to soak my rockwool & rootriot cube at PH 5.8 & soil at PH 6.5 but now Im cutting clones & planting them in peat pellets but at what PH should the peat pellets be presoaked in?
  13. iloveit

    Heath's Dizzy !!!

    Ive been trying to PM you with some of Heaths current work but your inbox is full, if your interested PM me with an email add Ill send the relevant links.
  14. iloveit

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Mr Nice seeds.
  15. iloveit

    Tripp's hillbilly flooded tube copy

    Dont forget to post the final weight & GPW.
  16. iloveit

    Does BlueMoonshine (D.P.) usually take long to establish roots in soil?

    Its been in the prop for about a week along with C99's which have rooted & are no longer wilting but the BlueMoonshine is still wilting & the fan leaves are turning yellow. Just wondering if its natural for this strain to take long to root. The BMS clones are in Biobizz light mix soil with 1ml...
  17. iloveit

    soil questiojns

    Take a look at this thread where Heath Robinson grows in "Miracle grow soil" the results were surprising:
  18. iloveit

    Air mixer out there?

    That would be an interesting invention... if you do build anything like that be sure to PM me.
  19. iloveit

    Spice Brothers Giant Cindy?

    Hey Macuyver if you ever find any GreenGiant beans or crosses let me know Ive been searching far & wide for a very long time. Sorry mate Ive not heard of anyone growing out Giant Cindy thought I do have soem C99 seeds.