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  1. thatguy830

    Florida Not Good News, But Not Bad News Either.

    One of the most-noticed new laws was the "bong bill" by Rep. Darryl Rouson, D-St. Petersburg, which cracks down on stores peddling a wide range of smoking devices commonly used with illegal drugs. The bill requires retailers to have tobacco licenses if they sell pipes and other paraphernalia...
  2. thatguy830

    did anyone watch gasland??

    i saw it and just want to get other peoples opinions on it considering the fact that it is affecting peoples way of life and the earth, and the government isnt doin shit about it!:neutral:
  3. thatguy830

    anyone start smoking because of one your parents?

    my mom showed me the way of the ganja and some people have a problem with that :peace:
  4. thatguy830

    anyone ever smoked with a celeb?

    i have smoked with one...not really a celeb but a musician he is the lead guitarist to evanesance terry balsamo...just curious