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  1. San Diego Grower

    4 weeks flowering and no pistils.

    No, but it happened to three different strains grown in two different locations. It must be either the potting mix, which I have used many times successfully, or the spike in temperatures we had for two weeks where growing room temperatures were pushing 90 degrees F. One growing area has been...
  2. San Diego Grower

    4 weeks flowering and no pistils.

    New photos. Not sure if I need to re-post this to reply to both. Better safe than sorry.
  3. San Diego Grower

    4 weeks flowering and no pistils.

    See new photos below. Thanks.
  4. San Diego Grower

    4 weeks flowering and no pistils.

    Here is a better set of pictures.
  5. San Diego Grower

    4 weeks flowering and no pistils.

    I have never had this problem before in 27 years of growing. I have pre-98 Bubba Kush plants that originated as clones. Usually these plants undergo 10-14 days of elongation and than they begin putting out pistils so that by week 3-4 they look like popcorn or dandy lions. I'm now at week 4 and...
  6. San Diego Grower

    Newb to organic marijuana growing, what can anyone tell me?

    MiMedicalMJ is correct. Fresh compose extracts nitrogen from the soil which can starve a plant and stunt it's growth. Only use composed, dehydrated products (if you must, K-mart's garden center has an excellent chicken manure). Don't screw with the soil until you have mastered the lighting...
  7. San Diego Grower

    Newb to organic marijuana growing, what can anyone tell me?

    Check out my plants under HID at 6.5 weeks with 3 weeks of flowering. I have 5-6 weeks to go.
  8. San Diego Grower

    Newb to organic marijuana growing, what can anyone tell me?

    I don't know where to start. Your approach is very different than mine, though I appreciate your adventureness (if that's a word). Keep it simple. #1. LEDS, even the 4 color models, are great for vegatative growth, but produce poorly in the flowering stage. It isn't just yeild, but potency...
  9. San Diego Grower

    Need help choosing HPS bulb

    Hortilux. Best HPS out there, in my humble opinion. I use the Super Hortilux 1000 watt. 140,000 lumens and a boost in the 400-500 nm. range. I do use 2-4 foot floursent T-12's with 40 watt Philips Agrolite bulbs (available at any Home Depot) and two 68 watt cfls to enhance the spectrum and...
  10. San Diego Grower

    Hello, I'm a commercial medical marijuana grower in San Diego. I grew my first indoor crop in...

    Hello, I'm a commercial medical marijuana grower in San Diego. I grew my first indoor crop in 1985 under flourscent light fixtures using GE wide spectrum plant aquarium bulbs. In 1987 I moved outdoors in Lebanon, PA and grew in a cornfield successfully for 12 years. I continued with the indoor...