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  1. reh420

    City water

    except water also "vents" (evaporation) Get yourself a PPM/EC meter, also check ph.
  2. reh420

    Purple Hype: Fact or Fiction

    Maybe its just me, but i find nugs with a purple color to them can give me a headache. Maybe its the fact that its some other sugars besides chlorophyl, but i stay away from it like the plague.
  3. reh420

    FF VS Others

    Dyna-gro ftw, Whole lineup.
  4. reh420

    Paper bag drying method question ,

    Brown paper = Sulfur. Yum.
  5. reh420

    Flushing Before Harvest

    Why risk your health, or anyone else's for that matter?
  6. reh420

    ----**Best New Hiphop/Rap Today**----(being baked is advised)

    Taylor Gang Or Die. He's for sure one of the best lyricists around, he keeps it tight with his boys who have produced him throughout his mix-tape...
  7. reh420

    bubble hash and pressing, got experience?

    Thats what your looking for cuzzo, if you want to smoke it right. A skillet is something you heat up and swing under an upside down bowl. A vapor globe is
  8. reh420

    bubble hash and pressing, got experience?

    Skillet or Vapor Globe.
  9. reh420

    Pure molasses dose?

    Just be careful not to use too much and attract bad soil beasties, fly's etc.
  10. reh420

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    From GC, just throwing it out there- by Xeger Summary: A subtly dangerous pest that can attack your plants, causing serious, permanent damage with few external symptoms! Scientific name: Bradysia coprophila (family Sciaridae, order Diptera) Size: 3-4mm (1/8") Description: Slender, grey or...
  11. reh420

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    H202 will def not hurt your plant in soil, it might lower the macronutrient content for a few days till you feed it, but it certainly doesn't hurt any micronutrient balance, or PH like some of these other methods. Rather than suffocating your soil with a layer of DE or sand, you pump the shit...
  12. reh420

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    H202 is not bad for soil if used as a treatment, people who grow hydro sometimes use it to help oxygenate the water (ghetto hydro systems). Don't get it twisted, the reason this person has fungus gnats in the first place is from moisture and too much rotting organic matter in his/her soil. Not...
  13. reh420

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    Probably wont do any harm if you feed them using chem nutes, but organic nutes would most likely exacerbate the problem.
  14. reh420

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    1-5 dilution of 3% h202 to water, shit will be dead within hours. Not to mention it will kill off some of the left over organic material in the soil thats attracting the gnats and larva in the first place. Oh and if adults land to lay more eggs, they wont make it far, try getting it on your skin.
  15. reh420

    Help with Fungus Gnats

    I had both my mothers get infested a week ago, used a very strong 1-5 ratio of H202 and water. Sprayed the soil, shit was making the dirt bubble, i made sure to get a good coverage. no gnats sense. i understand it killed my living soil, but that can be fixed and to boot i saw amazing growth the...
  16. reh420

    Microcopic bugs in soil: harmless, beneficial, evil?

    Springtails imo, they do mess your roots up, get rid of them.
  17. reh420


    Pros, You will save some weed imo, better for your health, less smell on your clothes and in your room or house. In my experience it also gets me more blasted than my bong. Cons, can take more time to ready, replacement parts, most of them are coffee table models and a lot of the portables leak...
  18. reh420


    I had the exact same thing happen, although it was not very late... I found 2-3 seeds deep and low in the canopy. I attribute it to a lack of sufficient light in those particular areas.
  19. reh420

    Growing mushrooms is more profitable then weed!

    You could probably get just as high (or buzzed as it where) schmoking basically anything organic that burns.
  20. reh420

    oh fuck! did I just SCREW up???!

    Trimmings, what a good idea! +rep