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  1. H

    my buds

    okay so, i havested my plants... the buds on my sort plant are pretty potant... its my first grow im proud of myself.. it gives you like a real geeky high.. im really happy with it. i cant wait to try the buds on my tall plant.. it still needs a little more drying though. :joint:so fuckin sweet
  2. H

    what do you think....

    well this is my short plant.. about 6 inches tall so the buds are small but they have a lot of red hairs... but this is my first grow so i dont really know.
  3. H

    what do you think....

    do these buds look ready to harvest?
  4. H

    best harvest time???

    heights not an issue i just wanna try some.. i think im just going to wait though. i can wait a few more weeks
  5. H

    best harvest time???

    here are some pictures
  6. H


    okay i did it.. thanks for the help man
  7. H


    if i could figure out how to i would
  8. H

    best harvest time???

    i have no idea
  9. H

    best harvest time???

    hey this is my frist grow and im strating to get some buds.. i have some pictures in my gallery. both of my plant are 73 days old and have been on 12/12 lighting for 37 days.. the taller plant seems to be maturing much faster then my shorter plant the taller one has red hairs on the top bud but...
  10. H


    this is my first successful grow and the buds are finally coming... i put some pictures in my gallery. check them out... do they look good? and how do i tell when they are ready? peace:peace:
  11. H

    experienced growers read this.. please

    if thats the case then im definitely going to just wait.. thanks a lot both of you
  12. H

    experienced growers read this.. please

    okay so i have 2 buding female plants ones short and bushy and ones tall. the tall plant has really big fan leaves and i can see the resin on them... i was wondering, would it hurt my plant to trim some of the fan leaves off to make hash... this is my first successful grow so i really dont wanna...
  13. H


    thanks. i do have some pictures of the plant in my gallery. i just starting to see the little white hair things i cant fucking wait to see some buds! this is my first successful plant by the way
  14. H


    My healthy plant is female!:hump: :blsmoke:
  15. H

    how many plants?

    so they will start making buds right away?
  16. H

    how many plants?

    i currently have two plants growing ones almost a foot tall, the others not doing as well but i switched the lights to 12/12 to start buding them about a week ago they still havent started to show there sex yet (i dont have a timer and the 12/12 isnt always exactly on time, could that be why?)...
  17. H

    nutrients help

    so.... 10.15.10 is good for growth but not flowering? cause im trying to get mine to start budding now would merical grow shit work?
  18. H

    nutrients help

    so i've been told that if i dont use any nutrients then my weed will turn out shitty..i found some plant food at my house the name is worn away so i cant read it but it says ultra pure. all purpose. concentrate. liquid plant food 10-15-10 think i could use that?
  19. H


    thanks man
  20. H

    i need some tips : ]

    oh well if its only 4 buck i can do that...... but i found some plant food at my house the name is worn away so i cant read it but it says ultra pure. all purpose. concentrate. liquid plant food 10-15-10 think i could use that?