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  1. Vinvin

    The 4th Dimension and BEYOND

    I haven't seen it yet. What screening did you go to?!
  2. Vinvin

    The Largest Street Gang in America - Everyone should watch this! Protect Yourself!

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend. The gangastaz, the degenerates, the bad guys, the terrorists, and all them. We all got one thing in common, we don't get along with the popo and soldiers.
  3. Vinvin

    Suposed loop hole in vehicle searching laws

    The secret is...Have your car rigged up to be a death trap for anyone who gets near it that you don't like. I'm talking about pepper spray escape and built in tazer.
  4. Vinvin

    The 4th Dimension and BEYOND

    The movie Black Dynamite just came out and The Warriors is one hell of a movie. The Buddha is strong in my herbs.
  5. Vinvin

    The 4th Dimension and BEYOND Length x Width x Height X TIME (Past, present, future simultaneously) I think that's the 4th Dimension. And SOUND can help us travel back to the past which will be the present, which will be the future...So basically BACK TO THE FUTURE is a play on...
  6. Vinvin

    Out with the OLD, toke with the NEW

    Fuck yeah, fuck the corporate world.
  7. Vinvin

    Anyone Here Closet Atheists?

    Damn son, that is messed up. I think Your fam is on a whole nother level than mines. Make them watch Zeitgeist or something.
  8. Vinvin

    Out with the OLD, toke with the NEW

    :cuss: A majority of people don't know shit about Cannabis and how it's good for you. And it IS good for you. My topic today is... HOW are we going to get around to getting those ignorant sheeple jabronis to stop acting like we're criminals and degenerates? I mean Carl Sagan, one of the...
  9. Vinvin


    I'm sure they would've made a new one.
  10. Vinvin

    Anyone Here Closet Atheists?

    If you don't want to tell them DIRECTLY, just try to do it indirectly. Every now and then, throw in a comment about something and how science explains it. I know it sucks, trust me. I'm Filipino and my relatives are the same. Personally, I'm Buddhist but that's not really the same kind of...
  11. Vinvin


    Hey, I'm Buddhist! Just go here... The secret to happiness is LOW expectations. That's the gist of it. Don't expect much and don't get bummed out by anything because it's all going to come full circle in the end. Don't get attached to...
  12. Vinvin

    Hiding my stash in plain sight

    I'm from the PI, born and raised. But I'm in the US now. My people's laws on MJ is pretty retarded (along with other stuff, no comment). If you want to get in the homeland with your herb, just throw it in a bag of potpourri.
  13. Vinvin


    It's always nice when the universe SHAKES things up. Personally, I think homo sapien sapiens don't have ENOUGH natural predators.
  14. Vinvin

    Ever Had a Jehovah's(sp?) Witness Come To Your House While High>

    I say I'm either Nation of Islam or Buddhist (my real religion).
  15. Vinvin

    Great Joke To Tell While Blazing

    Cannabis is perfectly healthy and good for you...unless there's a cop or a fed with a weapon and an attitude.
  16. Vinvin

    Wish I Could Go Back In Time And Punch Myself For This.

    I sexed up a gal I didn't know, they loved it, and then I forgot their number.
  17. Vinvin

    What is your Zombie contigency plan?

    I'm gonna climb something high, then cut off the way I got there (ladder, rope, grappling hook). Then I'll smoke all my weed and starve to death...
  18. Vinvin

    Hiding my stash in plain sight

    I just make cookies...Not trouble, not stress. It's what freedom feels like.
  19. Vinvin

    Himalayan Weed...Great weed or GREATEST weed?

    Oh, F me. GRANT Morrison. He's a comic writer who does a lot of drugs.