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  1. S

    Hygrozyme? Who uses this?

    I use it in my aeroponics and drip system. It helps
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    Cloning mishap help plz.

    Not 100% all the time. Make sure to clone from lower 3rd of plant.
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    Need advice. Got arrested and suspended from school for dime bags with no res.

    Lawyer up quickly. They can't suspend you for baggies with no residue unless you had other items on you. They are your medicine bags for all they know. The smell can be easily played off as something else and smell by an untrained teacher won't stand for anything.
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    I'm a total noob to indoor growing and could use some pointers.

    you need to ask specific ?'s. Try searching the forums or checking out some sticky's
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    help am i wasting my time at this point?? ak ice flowering day 41

    Sorry man, it will yeild but very small and smoke will be decent. However its all the DNA Ice is a shitty little bitch have tried her several times b/c i like the smoke but horrible for yeild. Very thin, ver big(takes up to much space for my use), and small yeilds. I have heard of people...
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    I have a VERY URGENT Question about a 400 Watt light.

    Yes but most ballast now are hps and mh
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    what is the best non-violent form of revenge

    Put some skunk spray in his truck or in the air intake for his truck. He will wish you would of burned it!!!! shit will smell for up to a year and smell really F'ing bad. Undo his lug nuts on 1 rear tire will cause tire to fall of at low speed and cause over $1k's worth of damage. Set...
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    First Time Grow 400 watt RDWC Lavendar OG Grow week 10.5

    Next crop use some blood meal to make those sweet ladies really pop in to flower. nice job
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    some help please

    You want it close as possible without burning, move away if start showing bulb. Metal halide for veg ups for flower. Search rooms setups
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    problems cloning

    Simple 90%+ success rate. 45°cut slit or don't the stalk place in solo cup put plastic wrap on top tape to seal. Put under any flouro. Takes 2weeks without slitting takes3 with slitting but better root system. Its super cheap and easy. Oh use clone plugs not rockwool or dirt.
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    how old are you and how long have you been smoking?

    I'm 30 and first was around 10 or 11. Damn over 18 years and still loving it
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    Best christmas present recieved

    Best thing I got a kegarator not kit actual kegarator
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    If you could smoke with one person . . .

    Y I love his theory on life
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    Blue Widow 53 days look ready?

    Thanks and Fuck me running well I guess I'll be holding her down a shit ton
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    harvest help please?

    Wondering if I should wait longer to harvest? Rather be locked to the couch than buying my buddies harvest b/c mine was shit
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    harvest help please?

    I have 2 AF dwarfs that I am flushing b/c think done. trichs on both 75% milky 5%amber and about 20% clear. Hairs have recinded on one and slighty on the second. They are week 10 or 11 frm seed. Poison dwarf(nl) and ak dwarf. First pic 2-3 weeks ago the others are current but not easy to...
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    Blue Widow 53 days look ready?

    How tall are they? I have one going and affraid I vegged to long and i have a height restriction(attic). Thanks and lookin good
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    If you could smoke with one person . . .

    Brian Jones founder of the stones or hitler.
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    Is Afghan Kush Really Worth This Much?

    I would never buy again if it cost that much! !32 is a legit price for one lb at a pop
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    Pets stoked on your grow lights?

    My buddy's two pugs love his room and enjoy eating the foliage