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  1. Cali chronic

    Whistle..Whistle-- Racial Double Standards

    Read this one it is a great (short read), and I can see a lot of truth in it...
  2. Cali chronic

    Obamma's biggest mistakes short vid in clear english

    Hey bummer lovers, watch this about your boy...
  3. Cali chronic

    So as if you we are not taxed enough...

    Obummer has signed off on installing two naval Bases. One in the Philippines and the other in South Korea. Forget the Trillions they are going to spend on the military war machine. Think about how they threaten to take away our Social security and or Medicare, all while extending the retirement...
  4. Cali chronic

    A good article on The Tax man

    Short read, but really points out stuff that is legit
  5. Cali chronic

    Legalize all Drugs Not because I use some of them

    Today, we went to the Emergency room, my girlfriend and I that is. We spent over 4 hours in an emergency room and finally left. She had hurt her leg on the job in a walk in cooler. The job sent her to 3 different places. 2 said; "We do not accept workmen's comp". After burning 60 cell phone...
  6. Cali chronic

    You are all on the list

    How? They harvest your IP address. You are all on the list... If I had more posts I could embed this.
  7. Cali chronic

    Censoring the Net and possibly this site too

    If you have not heard of SOPA, you need to check it out. Today is very important for you if you have, or want a voice. They are going to vote tomorrow on a bill to whether or not to censor the Net. First it was in the name of the Children, now it is in the name of Piracy. However, I am sure it...
  8. Cali chronic

    Looks like Gore won after all....Rigged voting machines disclosed under oath

    This link shows a programmer for Florida's House speaker who was asked to write code to rig elections.... Election results fixing the election Try and repost and make this one go Viral if you can. With this, even Newt could get the job or Obama...
  9. Cali chronic

    A funny article I read about the Futile Drug War

    I like the Analogy of: The DEA is like a Raft in the Ocean trying to outlaw water...
  10. Cali chronic

    Ron Paul 2012 Guest speaker for

    Ron Paul 2012 Guest speaker for Here is how you hold a press conference. Not 20 second rebuttals of sensationalism....
  11. Cali chronic

    Five Lies of the Religious Right About Ron Paul

    Five Lies of the Religious Right About Ron Paul by Laurence M. Vance Although I am a theological and cultural Christian conservative, I am not a member of the Religious Right and never have been. Adherents of the Religious Right are oftentimes more wrong than they are right. And...
  12. Cali chronic

    The day America died...

    September 30, 2011 was the day America was assassinated. Some of us have watched this day approach and have warned of its coming, only to be greeted with boos and hisses from "patriots" who have come to regard the US Constitution as a device that coddles criminals and terrorists and gets in...
  13. Cali chronic

    Governors son gets popped for weed

    its really at
  14. Cali chronic

    To those of you who think your emails fall on deaf ears...

    Dear ASA Members and Friends, I am happy to report that Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed SB 847, a bill by Senator Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) that would have required medical cannabis cooperatives and collectives be located at least 600 feet from residential zones! The Governor’s veto comes...
  15. Cali chronic

    Send boehner a letter Here is a yet another Hypocrite watching the yard!
  16. Cali chronic

    Take Action-Tell Your Representatives to Co-Sponsor HR 2306: The Ending Federal MJ

    Take Action Tell Your Representatives to Co-Sponsor HR 2306: The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011
  17. Cali chronic

    Eye opener about Obama I did not know about did you?

    Google this for pages of this....donald young/obama There are Police reports and so on to shore it up. The guy is living a lie...
  18. Cali chronic

    Washington, D.C. Inches Closer to Medical Marijuana

    Washington, D.C. Inches Closer to Medical Marijuana by Dan Riffle August 5, 2011 It’s now been almost 13 years since nearly 70% of D.C. voters approved an initiative enacting a medical marijuana law in the nation’s capital, though you’d be forgiven if you hadn’t noticed. An obscure budget...
  19. Cali chronic

    Michigan Attorney General Wants to Make Life Harder for Sick People

    Morgan Fox Michigan Attorney General Wants to Make Life Harder for Sick People by Morgan Fox August 12, 2011 Have you ever noticed how prohibitionists in power keep fighting medical marijuana by saying that it is out of control, and somehow causing a breakdown in society, endangering the...
  20. Cali chronic

    This is your Gov AZ better keep on eye on this one.

    A funny thing happened on Monday. The Department of Justice filed a brief regarding state medical marijuana laws in Arizona . . . and it was a good thing, and was met with appreciation from the medical marijuana movement! Seriously. After the disappointments of the vague, not very helpful Cole...