Search results

  1. mipbar

    Lost my seed shipment

    Ordered from Attitude, delivery to Colorado, and this is what I eventually received in the mail. I didn't order the mug/tshirt, extra cost for guaranteed delivery, so I may be out $100. Waiting to hear from Attitude if they will replace the shipment. Very bummed to say the least. If I'm out...
  2. mipbar

    400w HPS bulb prices

    ljljk lkjlw iiiid w f f f f wiiisiei
  3. mipbar

    Washington Needs Signatures
  4. mipbar

    Getting a card in CO

    Is it possible to get a Marijuana card for sleep issues and anxiety?
  5. mipbar

    Senate Likely to Approve Obama’s Pot-Hating, Insubordinate DEA Head Next Week

    I have respect for Obama, and a lot of what he's trying to do is simply impossible because of the Republican crying and manipulation, but his ineffectiveness is becoming seriously amazing. This news is just fucking great...
  6. mipbar

    Someone recommend

    A good, cheap, home drug test. Thinking of getting a few packs of these:
  7. mipbar

    National Geographic
  8. mipbar

  9. mipbar


    I'm gonna go to the grocery store and get some tartar sauce. Anyone want some tartar sauce?
  10. mipbar

    When Prop19 Passes...

    What kind of unstoppable commerce juggernaut will occur? The feds, who currently have zero control over MJ as it is, will have no recourse but to give in the fight. What else?
  11. mipbar

    Just Trimmed

    Watch this movie.
  12. mipbar


    Anyone try these yet? I've had a bong / precooler / carbon filter etc forever and have never used a vaporizer. Debating if a vape is healthier than my bong and worth the price. I don't want to spend $500 on a monster, and would prefer to find a more economical, portable version that does...
  13. mipbar

    Conflict Of Interest btw: is it just me or do web pages mysteriously come up blank constantly on until you reload, reload reload reload
  14. mipbar

    Governament / Wall Street

    Since Wall Street acted so irresponsibly by pretty much crashing the world's economy, why is it now the Government's responsibility to fix the unemployment rate? And why would the Government be held to blame for the unemployment rate? Because the Government didn't regulate Wall Street...
  15. mipbar

    Well...I'm Now Drunk

    ...Because I can't get high due to the 'law' since I have a job drug test coming up (and yes, if weed was legalized, company's would test just as vigorously for pot as they do for alcohol right now) ...And now I have to look forward to a headache, a hangover, addiction, liver/stomach issues...
  16. mipbar

    I Don't Give A **** About You Sellers...

    ..who make a living from selling marijuana. Legalizing hurts your business, so maybe you'll have to get a real job, but I think most of us don't give a damn about your lazy a$$es and want marijuana to be legalized so we can stop being threatened with incarceration, not to mention all the other...
  17. mipbar

    everyonedoesit - ehle

    For anyone considering everyonedoesit for a higher end pipe, this is what happened to me. 1. I ordered about $300 worth of 'art' including an ehle water pipe, pre-cooler, carbon adapter, diffuser etc. 2. The entire order MINUS the pipe itself was delivered ok, but the pipe was on backorder...
  18. mipbar

    Support this Bill - “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act,” HR 2835
  19. mipbar

    “Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act,” HR 2835
  20. mipbar

    First 2 plants trimmed, drying, or jarred

    Waiting for the 10th flowering week on 3rd plant. These cheapo laundry hangers work perfectly for drying.