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  1. Circle_of_Joy

    Reporting poor Lucky's trials

    My first born plant, Lucky, which has already been through multiple life saving emergency transfers and cleansings between soil mixes and finally the DWC bubbler- is getting another problem. In a mere 3 hours, the leaves have curled up and the edges fried black, the new sprouting set of leaves...
  2. Circle_of_Joy

    Bag Seed Luck?

    Anyone ever yielded a lot, or something good, from plain old bag seed or hand-me-down seeds, etc., as an indoor grow?
  3. Circle_of_Joy

    Root Film + Another Question?

    I have no pics, I apologize- the most I can tell you about my set up is its a plant braced above a quart-sized resovoir of bubbling water (not quite a DEEP water culture bubbler, asm uch as just a single-plant bubbler). This is the plant I brought back to life from near death. Question 1, the...
  4. Circle_of_Joy

    Ghetto-Ass-Grower to a DWC Bubbler

    As of right now, I have a GAG. My friends call that a "Ghetto-Ass Grower". Its a ziplock container (not bag- like a storage tupperware)- 1 quart. A paper cup bracing my plant as its roots hang nicely into the bubbling water underneath, powered by one aquarium airstone, filled with 500 mL of...
  5. Circle_of_Joy

    Plant bracing above the bubbler!

    So I cant get my hands on any rockwool or any of that- so Im relying on simply a cut out styrofoam cup to hold my plant's roots into water. That is- I cut a hole in the middle of the cup, and stuck the plant right down the middle. The roots are growing well, the plant is growing leaves- but I...
  6. Circle_of_Joy

    Hydro Bubbler saved her life!

    I think its official. If anyone has ben keepin tabs on my threads- I've had this one single plant growing for a week or so. It was beautiful until one day, it fried. And fast. In 5 hours, half the real fan leaves burnt to black and twisted. In my desperation, I finally put the plant out of soil...
  7. Circle_of_Joy

    2 Quick Pure-Water Questions

    I moved my oldest plant (a week old or so, its stunted because its been through some hardships and as far as I can tell, is slowly slowly slowly recovering from what looks like some sort of chemical burn) to a purely hydroponic bubbler. Because its so tiny, and its roots so clustered, i put it...
  8. Circle_of_Joy

    Save her life! Help!

    My plant is about 2 weeks. Its growth has stopped right about when its leaves started to burn on edges and twist and curl. Now, the leaves are black halfway, and are so crisp they almost snap themselves off. Now, they're soft, flimsy, and have seemed to reveal green or golden-yellow again. Ive...
  9. Circle_of_Joy

    Life is Ticking Away!

    My plant is abuot 2 weeks- its growth has stunted and its been the same. Roots are fairly small, but are branching well. 1) I started germination. 3 of 7 sprouted. 2) I planted those 3. 3) Grew tremendously in a paper cup with garden soil and mulch until recently. Kept CFL (not hot) light at...
  10. Circle_of_Joy

    Hydro: Nute Mixing

    Ive found vague general ideas on this- it seems people find their own knack. In a hydro system--- Do you just simply mix the bottle-designated amount into the amount of water and let it go? Or is there a certain way you need to precisely add this or that nutrient? Like do I need to get the...
  11. Circle_of_Joy

    Death Approaches

    I have 2 plants that were doing fine. Actually, one plant I grew about 1.5 weeks ago. The other plant maybe 5 days ago. At the same time- both are startnig to brown- the few leaves are beginning to twist/crumple and turn dark- which is a phopshate or magnesium insufficiency (I couldnt pinpoint...
  12. Circle_of_Joy

    Quick Fix-It-Ups

    Does anyone know of quick, homemade ways that can boost nutrients? Say in just 5 hours you notice leaves are starting to blacken or burn/curl- needing a phosphate boost, but its 11 PM and you cant go to the store to get any. Any at-home fix its for nutrient necessities?
  13. Circle_of_Joy

    HPS or MH Light necessary?

    I have al ow budget. Hopefully not for long- but Im not sure about being able to get a HPS and a fixture for it (or the MH). I went to Home Depot. It was pretty expensive. And Im not sure I can fit the equivalent of a parking lot light hood in my room or something. Is there a compact fixture I...
  14. Circle_of_Joy

    Getting The Goods

    I've wondered this- after you get your card, how do you get marijuana? Can you just go to random dispensaries and palce an order? How do they log how much you get at once and place a restriction? Or do most people skip this by just getting seeds and making their own? Do you get it shipped? I ask...
  15. Circle_of_Joy

    "Mom, Dad, I smoke pot"

    Sort of an immature question- kinda like the "mom dad Im gay" coming out thing but I gotta know if anyone can give me statistics or whatnot: I present you exhibit [a]: +Strict mother. Realizes son is 18, but son still lives in house. Protective, does not like idea of drinking or drugs...