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  1. A

    Mites won’t die

    I’ve been battling spider mites for the past 3 months. I have tried diatomaceous earth, neem oil, insectidal soap, drowning the plants, dish soap and water, and lastly hot shot strip. I’ve had the hot shot strip in my grow room for over a week and those suckers are still alive! And it looks like...
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    What deficiency does this look like?

    What deficiency does this look like? I’m using cal-mag with a 5.5ph to 6.5 ph. The older fan leaves are having this problem on two of my plants.
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    Help! Something is eating my plants!

    First I had spider mites, so I “drowned“ the plants for 45 minutes each and it seemed to have solved the problem. Now a week later there are a bunch of holes on the new growths of my plants. I have an indoor operation so their is no way it’s caterpillars. Should I spray the plants with neem oil?
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    What are these yellow spots?

    A few of my plants have them. I did have a case of spider mites but I think this is something els. I treated the spider mite problem today.
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    Help! Something is wrong with my plant:(

    This is my first attempt at growing a cannabis plant. Problem 1: Lwaves turning brown and curling inward. Problem 2: Plant is flowering early. Is it possible to “re-veg”? I have an indoor setup and can move her inside if it’s possible. Also I don’t have her in direct sunlight due to the extreme...