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  1. DonJr.TheMoron

    The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

    Most of the trumptards here are just trolls, but this one is So_FucKin_StuPid, I almost feel sorry for you little boy.
  2. DonJr.TheMoron

    Please ban me from politics forum

    still waiting
  3. DonJr.TheMoron

    Two years wasted on the Mueller Investigation. How will the media discredit President Trump next?

    Senate Intel subpoenas Trump Jr. over Russia matters RAH ROH !!
  4. DonJr.TheMoron

    Russia Urges US To Publish Full Mueller Report

    Senate Intel subpoenas Trump Jr. over Russia matters RAH ROH !!!!
  5. DonJr.TheMoron

    WaPo, CNN Virtually Silent After NYT Reveals 2nd FBI Spy Sent To Infiltrate Trump Campaign

    It's called an investigation you F'n Trumptard.
  6. DonJr.TheMoron

    The Illusory Truth Effect: How Millions Were Duped By Russiagate

    confusing the poor trumptard with facts