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  1. D

    Humidity levels in the basement.

    So where I am currently living my basement seems the best option for growing. All other areas would require vent ducting to be hanging over commonly lived areas of my house. The only 2 problems I am seeing so far is that the humidity level is only 15% during the day. I haven't checked it at...
  2. D

    Colloidal silver for anti fungal/bacteria

    So I have read that to create feminized seeds you spray colloidal silver on the leaves during flower? This will create a Herm plant that produces only female seeds? I may misunderstand this process but my question isnt about this. Is there any one out there that uses colloidal silver in there...
  3. D

    My grow area

    So basically the question I had with this set up it because it is so large (the green area is about 8'x 8') do I need to constantly vent the air? Today was about 84* and with a 1000watt light running for 2 hours the temp remained at 70*(WITH NO AIR VENTING) maybe climbing only 1* during the...
  4. D

    Once a plant is flowering can you take clones?

    Can you take trimmings and make clones from a plant that is in flowering stage? I would think that because the plant is in flowing the trimmings would try to flower also and end in total fail. Is that correct?
  5. D

    Is it worth the extra money for a different bulb?

    SO I am new to growing and one question I had is.. Is it worth the extra money to buy a "blue" (?) bulb of the grow and a "red" bulb for flower? HPS As in the bulb that give the light spectrum of summer sun for the growing cycle and the red for the fall sun spectrum for the flower cycle? Will...