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  1. O

    Various Projects of the Last Few Months....

    So, I did my first journal a while back and the overall harvest was good. 2lbs 6oz from 8 plants. Not bad I think :hump: At any rate, I've had a few things going on. Some disasters. Some overwhelming successes. I also started playing around with NFT. First time with that system. It wound up...
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    Learning how to Roll???

    I am pretty sure I am breaching etiquette here but I have limited computer/msg board posting skills and am new so, if I need a verbal spank...goa head. (sic) I have the term "learning How To Roll" under my user name. How does that change? What are the guidelines for this? That's it. Easy...
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    Dark areas on clone leaves...?? Any ideas?

    Howdy y'all. I am starting to believe I am the only grower in the world who can't get his clones to work. This most recent batch I cut sterile, scraped the sides of the cuts, made a cross split on the tips, dipped in gel, placed in a solution of Clonex, appropriate pH, fired up the clonebox...
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    What the frack is this?????

    I may already know the WHY but the WHAT is a little beyond me. Anyone know what this shit is? It is slimey...the texture and consistency of a large road rash scab when you sit in the tub for a while and it starts to come off. Like snot filled with chunks of booger. Here is the situation: I...
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    Soil to Hydro Afghani/Kush Rescue Operation

    I just inherited some dirt girlies. I have read mixed reports about converting to hydro. I use DWC Bubbleponic, 5-gallon buckets w/baskets, etc, etc. These girls were heading south fast and they came with a touch of mites to boot. However, I think this will give me a little something to...
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    Time Lapse Photography???

    Anyone out there ever do this with a grow? Set up a camera and do a time lapse over the course of the grow???
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    soil to hydro.....

    I just inherited some dirt girlies. I have read mixed reports about converting to hydro. I use DWC Bubbleponic, 5-gallon buckets w/baskets, etc, etc. These girls were heading south fast and they came with a touch of mites to boot. However, I think this will give me a little something to...
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    Aeroponics and cloning

    I have an aeroponic clone box. I have cuttings that were taken, placed in water and the stems quartered up the length for a small bit. Clonex solution mixed as per the bottle. Temps at appropriate levels, ph is proper range...everything as done many times before. Placed the cuttings in the...
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    Are these lovelys root-bound?

    OK....Along with some pix (and some basic set-up info) I have a couple of questions. The set-up first: I built a closet using basic 1"x1" "studs" from Home Depot, some 1/4" plywood from same distributor, caulking, etc. The dimensions of the box are 3'x3'x6'. I have a 400w Hydrofarm MH light...
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    My second attempt

    OK....Along with some pix (and some basic set-up info) I have a couple of questions. The set-up first: I built a closet using basic 1"x1" "studs" from Home Depot, some 1/4" plywood from same distributor, caulking, etc. The dimensions of the box are 3'x3'x6'. I have a 400w Hydrofarm MH light...
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    feedback on this lady

    First time trying this out. Any opinions on this gal? 30 days into flowering. I lost one other lady and the 3rd lady I have is struggling but trying her best. I am using a 400 watt MH. I have used Foxfarms Peace of Mind fert and Tiger Bloom. I am open to any sort of suggestions. My...