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  1. BudBag

    How much light for my bonsai mums

    Can I get by using 10w cfls? I am going to keep them as short and small as possible. I would like to keep 3 or 4 mums. would 1 10w cfl per mum be good enough to keep them producing cuttings? The biggest tube light I could get would be 12" and they come in at 8w per and are more of a pain.
  2. BudBag

    How small do you keep you mother?

    Space is a big issue for me and I'm wondering how small I can keep my mother's? How small do you keep yours? I would like to keep 4 or more. Could I keep them in 3.5" pots? Who's got the smallest mom's?
  3. BudBag


    I am germinating in some paper towels. How long should I let the tap root get after it cracks the seed before I put it in my soil? Is there more or less success depending on how long it gets?
  4. BudBag

    Nothing happening!

    Well this is my first grow. I planted 2 seeds into some foxfarm ocean forest soil. I had planted then watered so the seeds sank quite a bit. I carefully moved some soil out of the way after I found out to water first. It has been 4 days and I have seen no growth. I have them in my home made...
  5. BudBag

    CFL grow box help

    I just wanted to post this link here so I could get a little more feedback. I posted in the room design forum. I figured maybe the CFL guru's would be able to give me some input.
  6. BudBag

    Need CFL grow box help

    I have the box built. I was wondering if I should add two 23w 6500k bulbs to my grow. Yes more lights are always better... but, if I add 2 more lights I grow 4 plants instead of 6. The box is 1.375 ft2 Which design do you think is better?
  7. BudBag

    diesel ryder seed production

    When or what week should I pollinate my females? Can I make usable seeds off a first grow? Or do I need to save the pollen for the second harvest?
  8. BudBag

    Starting seedlings

    After I germinate my auto-flower seeds can I just start them in there final pot? If not whats the benefit of starting in something smaller? Also I am limited to 22" in height to begin with.
  9. BudBag

    Pot advice

    Does the shape of the pot make a difference? I was looking for pots to put in my cabinet and saw some rectangle shaped rubber made products. Would a 4x9 be any worse than a 6x6 square?
  10. BudBag

    ventilation Q

    When using fans with a carbon scrubber does it matter if the fans are pushing or pulling air through the filter? Is one method more effective than the other?
  11. BudBag

    Organic help please

    I went to the local stores looking for foxfarm soils... Well after a few hours shopping I didnt find squat. I checked the net when i got home and now know its mail order... I am starting from seed in a smallish cab. This is my first grow so I have no idea what to look for. I have tried...