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  • Hi Supra !

    I decided to go with a pair of 5.88"x18" ... should be delivered somewhere next week so I'll give feedback on those in about 7-8 days ...

    Just wanted to thank you a lot for your help ! Much appreciated buddy !!

    When you think of anything I can do for you just let me know and I'll be glad to help :)

    Cheerz !
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    the fan can be powered by "wall wort" adapters and they would be wired in parallel, all positives connected and all negatives connected.
    Hey supra I'm considering doing a few diy led panels on the side for fun and for backup lights. Are there any awesome full kits with everything needed to build(minus tools etc.) with decent instructions step by step. I love messing with electronics and small parts but have never done anything like this. Thanks ahead of time.
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    I am not aware of any kits but the parts for a simple build are a pretty short list. The tricky parts is all the misc stuff like tools, wires, connectors etc. Most can be found at Home Depot.
    figured i should stop hijacking your thread with my newb questions. here's another one with regards to mounting the cobs on the heatsyncs, can i use any quality thermal paste to bond the chips onto the aluminum, or should i be specifically looking for a A+B thermal adhesive? ie/
    so i picked up some prolima pk-1 terml paste for the chips, any experience with this stuff? figured it would work well with the aluminum heatsyncs and transfering heat.

    i noticed the drivers also have no ground, is this a concern?

    and the fans, should i bother grounding them? i just picked up a 12v 200mA PS for the fans wired in series.
    I have used PK2 and PK3, they work great. Since the drivers are plastic case, no worries about the ground.

    200mA might be good for one fan, but a pair of them at 12V might draw more than that, stressing the adapter.

    I have tried wiring fans in series but I could not seem to get it to work so now I just use 5, 6 or 7.5V adapters. Maybe you will be able to get them to split the voltage by wiring in series?
    well i just wired them up in parallel to see if they would spin, and they do, albeit nice and slow. if i swap out this PS to a 12v 1A, would it be beneficial
    Hey Supra didn't want to flood the 3070 thread. Are there any 3590's currently better than the ab's? If not what would be the cheapest way and easiest way to get the most out of 3070's and exactly what would I exactly need to get 10k lumens per? Would I put each on it's on driver? What heatsink should I use? Any advice is strongly appreciated!
    Hello, the 3070 Abs perform slightly better than the 3590 BDs. Maybe the 3590s will update with a new top bin at some point but for now the 3070 ABs are where its at. The best way to use them is to run as soft as you can afford and still fill your space.
    Can you explain to me how to do this and what I would need. Also in terms of efficiency how do I translate that to lumens? I noticed you said 109lms/w how did you get that and how would I tell how much a whole system would put out (or compare to hps).

    So if you want to push the envelope to new territory of efficiency, you could simply run even softer than 700mA and use twice as many
    Actually supra to make this easy what would you power a AD 3590 at? What driver would you use and what heatsink? I think I just am going to get those instead of trying to find AB's. Also about the lumen/w thing
    Hey supra....could really use some consoltation on LED chip selection and spectrum....can pay.....please help
    Hey bud, I replied on your thread. Will send a PM also.
    Hi Supra....are you still building the diy cob's by chance? Sorry I couldn't figure how to pm
    Sry Predd did not see your comment until now. Yes I still build them occasionally, lots of great designs possible now :leaf:
    Hey supra. You seem to be THE guru when it comes to COB builds and knowledge. Im looking to build 2 setups (one asap and one when I can afford it in a few months) for a 2.5'x6' flower chamber. What do u suggest I put together to light half of it for now? Will $300 do the trick?
    There has to be an easy way to wire in a MOSFET on the DC end of a driver and put on crimp connectors so you can plug in and power a PC fan directly from the driver. I play a lot of Airsoft and we use MOSFET to drop the current from lipoly packs going into trigger contacts so they don't arc. I know it will work, is easy and cheap, but dont have the tech experience.
    It may be possible but honestly over my head. I see guod commented on it. For now I just use high efficiency AC-DC power supplies to power the fans.
    Hi supra I figured you would be the best one to answer the question. i got a 2' x 3' x 6' grow tent and i want to use the cree cxa3050, i was thinking about 2 5000k and 4 3000k running at 25w for optimum efficiency. do you think this would be a good output of light for the size of tent. and plus im thinking of having them on separate heat sinks with each heat sink having a fan in the back.
    Yes that would be a very nice setup although I would probably go with (8) 3000K to get your intensity up if it is a flowering tent and I recommend the CXA3070 it will give you a higher effiency than the CXA3050. Good luck!
    Good find! At 700mA they are about 135lm/W or 42% efficient. Those are respectable numbers because it is a very high bin.

    If you run it with that driver it will be about 1300mA but the max recommended is 1000mA. If you use the 30W fasttech driver you would get about 880mA.
    Cheers for your quick reply! I'm really glad I ran it by you, I was being silly and expected each to get about 450mA, that's not how series works! The 30W is a much better fit.
    Good question, it is a complex calculation based on a Tj of 50C. It is also based on the current droop and vF taken from the Cree PDF. Finally we use the LER provided by Cree (325).
    If the manufacturers would provide us with radiometric data for whites we could avoid all that mess LOL.
    Hey supra you seem to be the go to guy for leds so I have some questions for ya if your not to busy. I want to built a 4 cob 3070 3k panel. I know which fans I want but not neccisarily what the best option would be for heatsinks, drivers , etc. Also would sheet metal be the best holder for everything?
    You could use sheet metal if you ground it, or you could use aluminum angle, cheap at Home Depot. I use pegboard to hold the drivers. If you use the 5.88" heatsink that can serve as your frame.
    Would like all 4 on one panel. They can't all fit on that heatsink can they?
    If you ran them at 1400mA, I would recommend 24" of that heatsink profile with a single 140mm fan. You can have it cut into two pieces so you get better spread and adjustability or keep it as one unit for convenience.

    If you run at 800mA, you could put 4 COBs on a 14" piece with a single 140mm fan.
    Thanks Supra, really appreciate the info. Just got the info that seller took the freedom to send another driver supposedly more suitable, grrr lol. Will look at the one you linked to if new driver he sent is no good? Know of any link to a noob crash course to calculate drivers for myself? Thanks bud your awesome. /dr
    Can you help me. Can i run the 100w Cree COB;s w/ the LPC-60-1750? Only plan on running them 4 months out of the year. Any Advice is apreciated
    The large Cree COBs vF is too high for the LPC-60-1750 (34vF max). The LPC-60-1400 should be OK with any large COB (except the 3590). Good luck!
    Supra, I have a question as a newbie 4 ya. I have ordered 3 COB's nd am about to order my drivers and wanted sk you if I could go up to the LPC-60-1750. I know they are not as efficient as the 1400 or even lower but i ONLY plan on doing 1 grow of Autoflowers per year in the winter. Considering the limited use am i safe with the 1750. I apreciate the help.
    Californacation. (even though I live in Holland)
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