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  • When u plant outdoors use fox farm ocean forest it will supply the plant with ferts for 3 more weeks(note if you put them outside in late april early may they will flower and you can harvest 2-3 months later but depending on where you live you may have to cover them at night so they get 12 hours of darkness)When and if you use MG after the time period i described you can mix in half of what the MG directions says a long with lime to control the soil ph use it as a top dressing or get the liquid stuff DO NOT OVER USE MG ITS BAD SHIT!!! your bud will taste nasty make sure you only give them water 3 weeks before harvest. good luck just remember every plant is different ..some like lots of ferts some dont...pay attention to your plants..they will tell you what they like and dont like.peace
    get dixie cups (16oz) use seedling soil(it wont burn them) feed distilled water if growing in back yard or if not use water from a running stream or collect rain water.grow them indoors under 125watt cfl. Water with worm castings(it wont burn them and seeds have stored nutrients for two weeks.after 2 weeks start them on 1/4-1/2 strength grow formula. if you must use MG do not use until you plant outside( 4-6 weeks under light than transplant outdoors)
    I would stay away from MG if you can.Yes when you water /feed let the water come out and run into a plate or something to catch the water.then check the ph with a pool ph checker (liquid or strips) or get a digital 1 that is much easier would do this on my first grow......
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