Widow Maker
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  • Germinating....on your article it doesn't say tempreture you germinate them at. I heard it has to be cold? Can you give me a rough guess on temp??

    Thanks bro
    Read your "Basic's on Growing", was very well written, but where can I find something about grow length time before flowering, and how long to allow the plants to flower (bud out)? I am new here, but it sounds as if you have plenty of grow experience, and I could ask you questions all day. I wanna grow my own soon, legally of course, and could use as much information as I could find.
    i not sure where im suppose to be with my 7 plant crop i look at pics online my plants took off really fast in the begining no they have slowed down all but one i guess my question to you is how can i get my crop caught up with the one bigger one and i believe its a light issue but not sure im using flourecents at this time but getting ready to upgrade to a more powerful light i just believe my babys are behind the powercurve right now the one is at 8 inches and other 6 or only at 4 inches and i do the same to all and there a month old
    Also on your light mover that goes back and forth. How close is that to the plants?? So it isnt bad being that when light is completely on one side that the other side doesnt have light?? And doing that you tripled the amount??
    I was reading your old 2006 posting about growing. I used same nutrients and got a good outcome. I just had some questions about trimming. When should I trim and how much. I read not to trim more than 20% at one time other wise you will stunt the plant. But my friend says to lollipop them and super strip them. What is the best method and how should I trim? On my current batch I figured on week 1 of flower take off all big water leaves. On week 4 stip everthing that isnt part of bud and allow more light in. But what does the vet say?? Help please!!!!!
    love the thread man...what strain produces high yield,thc and wont need powerful light, also wont grow to tall? would nirvana seeds be a good place to buy im in the u.s? thanks,
    hey dude, im having a problem with my white widow babies. they are in their second week of flowering. the leaves have tuned yellow, even white, startn from the shade leaves then to all of them. there are no deficiantcies or nutrient build up. im thinking along the lines of over watering and the rockwool not getting enough time to dry out at all and the roots are getting no oxygen at all. i would really appreciate you expert opinion and maybe some ideas for me to fix my babies up b4 its too late. thanks a heap
    dude iv read your 2 day hardcore grow technics and im still a bit confuzzzled on when to start harvestin my baby i didnt have it from birth so i dont no how old she is she comes up to my waist and has some very nice buds on ther already im 5ft10 so shes about 2 1/2 feet i can c the orriganal owner has already cut away at it and taken sum weed off the plant im still just not 100% when to attack it with my scissors plz help
    Yo man im starting to grow some schwag and i have read alot of ur advice about growing and im looking to see if we can talk as im doing it so everything will hopefully go good and ill have alot of free weed
    1st time grower but i dont want any bullshit but my fund are really really low, got any seed to spare please
    i read many of your posts and theyre very useful,but could you give me a hand in growing my persian bud and white widow max please
    hey i read some of your stuff and i am a 1st time grower in texas. i read up alot of how to do things and all thats not what my question is about. texas is a hot humid place you know that of course, but everything i know is the indoor method or a random outdoor. i just threw some seed out in a pot in my back yard there about 5 weeks old i think there sorta just popped up and i forgot i put seed there. well there are doing very well and i think we might have a harvest once the days shorten. i have to keep them hidden but the dirt around the beds are wood chips theres about 8 in a 20 gallon pot with rose soil
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