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  • I saw ya posted a sad reaction! You think it's male fa sho?? If so thanks for your help! Big appreciated ¡
    Hey, I was reading something you wrote in a thread a little while back about sealing bulkheads with permatex. I was wondering do you apply a line of the gasket maker right in the middle of the gasket, closer to the threads, or does it just not matter? Thanks!
    I'm stressing out about this newly built RDWC I made with HDX totes--surfaces aren't perfectly 90 degrees to the ground, so I think the bulkhead is struggling to make a good seal--and there are a number of minor leaks as a result. At least I think that's what's going on.
    Hey you seem pretty knowledgeable with leds. Just wondering if you can answer a couple questions ?

    I live in northern Canada where it gets to -40c quite often during the winter.

    I have a 4x4 tent in my insulated garage. I do have a forced air heater in there

    Do you know of any led that I could make or buy that would give
    Out sufficient heat ?

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