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  • PLEASE HELP ME(before you continue have in mind that Im not American,so in advance sorry for bad spelling.I learned my English from movies), I believe youre the only one that can give me some answers , I have about billion of them but I will start with one simple... What are my chances to succeed in what you succeeded with papaver. I started a bit late but I think I still have a Chance, I will keep you updated ( If you want to help or even communicate at all),by sending recent pics. These are about 6-7 days old, and I dont believe that I will have that big lump that you had and posted just after less than 20 days. The last 2 days It grows too slow. And yes, I had some 280plants also 6 days old and they all died cause I sprinkled them lightly EVERY night.These are few rows of Persian White, and few rows of Afghan White/White pink. I chose u cause I see the Force is strong with You, but Stupid as I am I cant find a way to put the pic in but its the same stage as your 5-6 days old pic
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