
New Member
Growing Anti-Semitism In The Occupy Wall Street Movement! (They're EVIL I Tells Ya! E V I L !)


They are now saying the occupy movement are racist, sound familiar?

Your getting sleepppy...very very sleeppppy, follow the pendulum with your eyeballs..sleeppppppyy....OCCUPY AND THE TEA PARTY ARE RACIST EVIL ANARCHIST HEATHENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FEAR THEM! FEAR THE PEOPLE! BE VERY AFRAID OF THE RACIST! Ray sist....he.....thens.....when I count to three you will now awaken with the opinion that occupy and the tea party are racist radicals....1.......2.....3


Well-Known Member
Growing Anti-Semitism In The Occupy Wall Street Movement! (They're EVIL I Tells Ya! E V I L !)


They are now saying the occupy movement are racist, sound familiar?

if breitbart says it, you know it must be true.

i bet if the same thing happened to a tea party rally, he would call them all plants :roll:

why do you post breitbart as if he had any credibility whatsoever?


New Member
if breitbart says it, you know it must be true.

i bet if the same thing happened to a tea party rally, he would call them all plants :roll:

why do you post breitbart as if he had any credibility whatsoever?
I posted the video because its new and its the first anti-semitism claims...The others claims are the same as they have been making....but this anti-semitism thing is going to catch on with glenn beck and the rest of the crew now. Its going to be the new thing with the right wing pun-dousches starting tomorrow bright and early, they are going to ride on this for quite awhile. Lavene, Limbaugh, Hannity, OReily, and Glenn beck are going to ride this thing like a gravy train.


Well-Known Member
I posted the video because its new and its the first anti-semitism claims...The others claims are the same as they have been making....but this anti-semitism thing is going to catch on with glenn beck and the rest of the crew now. Its going to be the new thing starting tommorow bright and early.
that's because there are actual anti-semites in the occupy crowd.

they are the conspiracy theorist, anti-zionist, jews control the banks and the media types.

they exist, you see them on this board all the time.

a few anti-semites in a group of non-bigoted people does not make the whole group anti-semitic.

see what i did? i didn't try to play them off as plants, like breitbart would do with the racists at his tea party rallies.


Well-Known Member
im so tired of hearing about antisemitism... the jews are not the only people that someone tried to exterminate, and genocide happens today, everyday, its just called ethnic cleansing.. every serious relationship ive ever had was with Hebrews... and well they seem to think everyone is antisemitic, especially when you dump them. just because there arent too many jews in the 99% doesnt make the whole movement antisemitic.. and were talking about a group that doesnt really have a purpose, or a plan of action. this country needs an armed revolution, because were on a fast track to a socialist version of north korea.. fema camps are looking more and more like kim jong ils re-education camps.


Active Member
there will always be a minority who spoil it for everyone else, no mass movement is complete without the little cluster of syphilatic c*nts


New Member
I don't even know who this breitbart, I would never follow such a character lol...but yes I'm glad we agree....

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Oh no Americans of different creeds, races, political, and spiritual and ideological views all have come together to voice their dis satisfaction with the way the American Government and economy is going

we are only human . . . .. . . .. . dont we celebrate or differences here in this country, less judgmental barriers and more social coalescence

less walls


Well-Known Member
I don't even know who this breitbart, I would never follow such a character lol...but yes I'm glad we agree....
shirley sherrod ring a bell?

he was the one that edited videos to make her look like a racist, when reality was that she was anything but.

if breitbart was crossing the street, i would not brake. he is scum of the earth.


New Member
Im proud to have served this to you RIU before tomorrow when all hell breaks loose on talk radio, we aren't going to fall for this shit...


Well-Known Member
i am in no way antisemitic, but i do not under any circumstances support israel, zionism, or any of the defense funding to the idf.. i think we should cut them off and let them deal with the problems they created on thier own.. the state of isreal should not exist, it belonged to the Palestinians long before ww2.. amerika and britian created it and displaced an entire nation, then mr sharone illegally setup jewish neighborhoods where palestinians were supposed to be, and drove them back. dont forget the phalangists, and the slaughter they carried out on the sabra and shatila camps of palastinian refugees who escaped isreals tyrrany in lebanon.. they felt the need to pursue them across the ocean, into another counties boarder,to kill men women and children by the hundreds. stacks of bodies just rotting in the sun.. israel is no better than nazi germany.


Well-Known Member
i am in no way antisemitic... the state of isreal should not exist... israel is no better than nazi germany.
"i am in no way anti-semitic, but i hold the same views as the people who want to wipe the off the face of the earth"


go relocate yourself to a fema death camp.


Well-Known Member
im not against jews, but i am against israel which many intelligent jews share my view, and the atrocities they carry out, conscripted service, and most of their foreign policies are not too far off from hitlers.. it pisses off ignorant thinkers when that concept is waved infront of their eyes, but most educated people who have actually traveled to the mid east and palastine can honestly see who the axis of evil is. i hope you never find yourself in a fema camp, but they are very real, and one day they will be very full. we live in one of the most corrupt countries in the world, though we live very comfortably, our country is no better than china. i served my time, raised my right hand and signed on the dotted line. ive earned the right to call this country what it is, a piece of shit, occupied with some of the lowest forms of human beings. im not proud of this country and im sorry i went to war for any of its inhabitants. it and they disgust me.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
It's awesome how if you go up to a random person on a public street and they say something, that means they are speaking for every person on that street.


New Member
I have to agree..I can never understand this support for israel shit..they are militant...they have terrorist....uh....yeah...this is a religious war for the Holy Land thats the fucking truth...uttter bullshit killing....


Well-Known Member
It's awesome how if you go up to a random person on a public street and they say something, that means they are speaking for every person on that street.
it really isnt, because most americans say the dumbest things, and every time i see americans on television, esp in another country i find myself deeply embarrassed to be from the same continent as them.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Its awesome how someone can be so rude and ignorant (2:50 in op video) and yet people around you, which are suppose to be supporting the same thing you are, just stand there and watch it happen. One dude even walked away, but didn't have the balls to say anything.


New Member
it really isnt, because most americans say the dumbest things, and every time i see americans on television, esp in another country i find myself deeply embarrassed to be from the same continent as them.
thats not really fair, the media chooses the interviews they show so its really unfair, they potray it how they want to. They choose this interview so they can say that the movement full of anti-semitic people intentionally.