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  • Dang it, I should have called it,"Perfecting the Perfect Formula,another way to skin a cat." Lol all rivers lead to the sea.
    Problems? Most issues can be solved with a PH check and adequate cal mag.
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    Reactions: Saboo the Shaman
    What could be fixing things with the cal mag is all the nitrogen in the cal mag. Too much calcium will cause issues, with hard water it's easy to over do the calcium.
    Are you to small for the big guys to answer? Ask me. It's the little guy I'm here for. Ballin on a Budget. Do more with less Is my motto.
    I hope that your weed is as good,if not better than mine...maybe you can teach me something. I love my methods, but I can learn from yours.
    When people ask for help. Give them help based on their situation . Stop trying to sell them on your room. Cuz they don't grow there.
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