Recent content by unreal89

  1. U

    Cut after just 4 hours of darkness, will it still have a grassy chlorophyll taste?

    I cut some choc skunk 3 weeks early cured up pretty nice lost grassy smell after about a month
  2. U

    Is this legit wax?

    I would watch out bad mixes of research chemicals and other cuts in dabs on the street stick with dispensary which still isn't always the purest cause no one has tegridy but be safe shit can coat your lungs and get you ill !
  3. U

    Problem with my seedling.

    Then its more than likely fine dont be tearing any more leaves off.
  4. U

    Weird new leaf growth...any ideas what could be causing the problem

    Mine have done this a few times past couple months but grow right past it in a few days after some dolomite lime top dressing
  5. U

    Acid has changed my life

    Maybe the acid you had was poison or not acid at all seems to be the case when talking to alot of people real acid is far more bliss then shrooms.
  6. U

    The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.

    NO one cares about the whites! It's a plan and has been planned for a very long time. Alllivesmatter
  7. U

    Confused after taking acid

    Yes ald52 and tons of chemicals are good if you source properly. but these europe tabs can have anything from nbome to dox and etc etc can get dark and dangerous and lead you away from the light. But ill agree with your points on some chemicals.
  8. U

    Confused after taking acid

    Im confident that blotter with ink that claims 200ug is a research chemical that will lead you astray. from what your supposed to be learning and feeling shrooms and acid are a gift from god ..when RC are a gift from the chinnee.. think then speak
  9. U

    Confused after taking acid

    Those are from europe and are not real
  10. U

    Confused after taking acid

    Theres nothing better than DIEING! And i mean nothing.
  11. U

    Confused after taking acid

    You can never turn back to "reality".
  12. U

    Confused after taking acid

    The key is to find real lsd25 not sunshine or any other garbage WoW non perf is your best bet these days. Then take 5+ hits and learn how fucked we really our and really die to be reborn.
  13. U

    Wake Up!

  14. U

    Wake Up!

    Ohh so you believe that troof! I think thats not true.. but you believe that no one would lie to you.