Recent content by spadez

  1. S

    What does your display name mean?

    I used to game under the name aceofspades, which was very symbolic to me. I then cut it short to spadez.
  2. S

    The naked chick avatars

    i degrade women and like it. Bwaha.
  3. S

    smoking with a zippo

    I fill my zippo with petrol and when i tried to light a bong with it, it was like putting my mouth over a car filler cap and breathing in. Horrible.
  4. S

    does legal bud actually give you a high

    I tried the "strongest legal high" about a month ago, and i can honestly say, i didnt even get the effect of a cig. Nada, nothing. You would probably get more of a high from smoking your shoe.
  5. S

    Who lives in P.B.C. Fl.

    I have a house in west palm beach, dont know of any decent head shops near me.
  6. S

    i just caught a glimpse of myself naked in a full length mirror

    No ...........................
  7. S

    6isafraidof7 IS A PUSSY

  8. S

    social anxiety & pot

    Honestly? Stop smoking weed, go out and buy yourself some new clothes to boost your confidence and keep telling yourself that you are a good person and that your friends are lucky to have you as a friend. Even look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a good person and that...
  9. S

    i need help with my punctuation

    Well, you can improve by starting with capital letters after a full stop. As for commas, just think to yourself if i was saying this sentence out loud, where would i pause. Then just put a commas in your text where you paused. Edit: You could also try typing your book up in word, that can...
  10. S

    Favorite munchies

    Natchos ftw
  11. S

    I just wet myself

    Aha thats awesome too.
  12. S

    I just wet myself

    Well, not quite, but this really was fucking funny. Sorry if it has been posted, but its worth posting again just incase people havent seen it. Enjoy: YouTube - Stoned Caller on Richard and Judy - You Say We Pay Dubbed :peace:
  13. S

    Have you guys seen this video?

    Awesome video, not sure how people "dont get it", its not exactly rocket science. I wish i was there :(
  14. S

    Stoners against Booze?

    Yeah but with hard liquor your missing out on having to piss every five mins :-|
  15. S

    If you could have anyone in the world pee in you mouth; who would it be???

    Hell yeah, without her, tombraider wouldnt have sold shit.